On March 30-31 and April 1, 2022, an online training Workshop on Classification and Identification of dual-use goods held in Bishkek with the participation of international experts from Ukraine, Armen
On 25 March ISTC Executive Director David Cleave and AFCONE Executive Secretary Dr. Messaoud Baalioumer discussed in a videoconference and agreed upon a Plan of Action comprising several joint activities in 2022, in line and compliance with the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between the two organizations, concluded in August 2019, in Nur Sultan.
The ISTC Executive Director David Cleave and Deputy Executive Director Aidyn Turebaev met Green Technology Hub Limited CEO Margulan Zhumugali and Advisor Asel Nurakhmetova on Friday 25th March 2015 at their Astana Expo AIFC offices to sign a Memorandum of Understanding of Partnership to establish future cooperation on green technology related activities in such areas as green geological exploration, plus project proposals review in green and sustainable energy projects in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
On 22 and 23 March 2022, ENCO carried out a remote training course entitled: “Verification of the Nuclear Security Status and Measures”.
Today 14/March/2022, the Deputy Head of the Mission/Head of Political Section of Delegation of the European Union to Baghdad, Mrs. Agne Gleveckaite, handed over to Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission/Central Laboratories Directorate, a fully equipped mobile radiochemical laboratory. This specialized laboratory can be used at nuclear sites in all regions of the Republic of Iraq; it provides its staff with the necessary analytical tools for sampling and characterizing radioactive materials, and helps ensure radiation protection during this work.
On 10 March 2022 the Radiation Protection Authority Zambia (RPAZ) convened an online meeting of the Working Group (WG) established within the EU –funded ISTC – implemented Project MC 5.01 15B Support to the Southern African States in Nuclear Safety and Safeguards. The purpose of the videoconference was to review the findings and the recommendations of the Regional Report elaborated by the WG. The Working Group, the proceedings of which are coordinated by Melody Nsofwa, Head of Department, RPAZ, comprises the authors of the eight country specific reports on various SADC member states, plus other contributors from among the African experts.
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