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Targeted initiative “CBRN Export Control on Dual – Use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia”




Project P244ENU - Expansion of cognitive competence in the field of strategic trade control



First Seminar «Export Control on Dual-use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia» Astana, 12-13 October 2017  
Second Seminar «Challenges of Scientific and Technological Evolution for Export Control Systems» Astana, 24-25 May 2018  
Third Seminar in Yerevan, Armenia 5-6 November 2018  
CONDENsE, Ieper, Belgium, on 29th and 30th August 2019  

Seminar "Raising Awareness and Responsibility of Scientists in the Life Sciences" funded by EU

Download documents
Training the trainers workshop on  strategic trade control academic implementation in Kazakhstan Download documents
Press release of the Round Table on the topic: "Strategic Trade Control in Kazakhstan: challenges and prospects» Download documents
On May 3-5, 2021, an online Training the Trainers Workshop was held in Bishkek Download documents
ISTC encourages Kazakh and Kyrgyz experts to work together on Export Control courses  
ISTC helps KNU to start a Course on Export Control  
ISTC, ENU and CAIDS Launch a MSc program in International Business and Strategic Trade Control  
ISTC Supports the Implementation of a Course on Export Control at the Faculty of Law of the Kyrgyz National University  
Seminar on Enterprises’ Internal Compliance Policy of Strategic Trade Control at the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University  
ISTC participates in a Seminar “Raising awareness and science responsibility in life scientists” convened by TABioS in Sarob, Tajikistan.  
Seminar “Raising Awareness and Responsibility of Scientists in the Life Sciences”  
A  new App for Dual-use items identification and classification Download documents
The Armenian National Bureau of Expertise promotes responsible science in 30 institutes and universities  
Workshop on implementation of the Course on Export Control and the Master's program on Strategic Trade Control  
ISTC attends a STRI webinar on emerging technologies for customs  
EU supported PhD student presented thesis work at International Conference   
A press release Export Control.docx  


Virtual course

This modular course is for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students, academic and other professional researchers in life sciences raises awareness of the responsibility of scientists to address issues around dual use materials, knowledge, and technologies.

The course includes a modular set of slides and an annotated reading list, suitable for individual learning as well as adaptation in academic curricula.


Ethics Module 1  

Ethics Module 2

Ethics Module 3 

Ethics Module 4     




Kyrgyz Republic


Model ICP Guidelines

BUKLET-Model final



PhD Award

2018 ISTC PhD Grant Award Winner

2019 ISTC PhD Grant Award Winner 




Cooperation of ISTC and the Ministry of        Investment and Development of Kazakhstan on Export Control issues in Central Asia


At the meeting of ISTC and MID discuss the progress made and the prospects for the successful cooperation on the implementation of the EU – funded Project CBRN Export Control on Dual Use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia

ISTC meets with KAZGUU


ISTC and KAZGUU invite International Experts as Guest Speakers on the Role of Academia in Trade Control and CBRN Non-proliferation

ISTC Work on Export Control featured in Armenian Specialized Newsletter PATNESH


ISTC and KAZGUU University Cooperate Successfully on Dual Use Export Control


ISTC Participates in a Round Table at KAZGUU on Export Control Education


An Export Controls Handbook Launched in Kyrgyzstan under the ISTC Implemented EU Project on Dual Use Trade Control


ISTC and the Yerevan-based Research Center for Non-proliferation of WMDs Publish a New CBRN Export Control Handbook