ISTC and the Yerevan-based Research Center for Non-proliferation of WMDs Publish a New CBRN Export Control Handbook

Through its EU-funded program CBRN Export Control on Dual-Use Materials and Technologies ISTC contributes to the emergence of a sustainable and effective global export control system based on harmonization and long-term partnerships. A number of activities were carried out in the participating countries of Central Asia, the Caucasus and adjusting regions focusing on the legal aspects, licensing procedures, risk management and investigation, and aiming to upgrade the export control systems and to improve the performance of the practitioners involved in the control process.
The professional awareness of the authorized state bodies plays a decisive role for the compliance of the participating states with their international obligations under multilateral export control regimes and international treaties. To facilitate their performance in Armenia the Research Center on Problems of Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (CPN), supported by ISTC, elaborated, and published recently a CBRN Export Control Handbook. The publication is a result from a year-long research project, conducted by CPN experts.
This comprehensive volume contains core ideas and key provisions of multilateral export control regimes, international treaties, and initiatives, as well the texts of relevant legislative and normative acts and documentation templates. The Handbook will be a useful tool and a source of reference for licencing and control organs, the Customs, traders, and delivery operators. Currently, considerations are ongoing on the possible creation of an App that will allow remote access to the Handbook’s data base.