ISTC participates in a Seminar “Raising awareness and science responsibility in life scientists” convened by TABioS in Sarob, Tajikistan.

ISTC participated in a seminar within a project on responsible science implemented by the Tajik Association for Biosecurity (TABioS) in the framework of the EU Targeted Initiative “CBRN Export Control on Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia”. The seminar took place from 18 through 20 November, at Sarob, some fifty kilometers from Dushanbe. The aim of the activity was to provide venue for comprehensive consultations on the implementation of the dual-use educational program in life sciences and its content. The seminar attracted 29 participants from National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (TNAS), Tajik National University (TNU), Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov (KSU), Technological University of Tajikistan (TUT), Dangara State University (DSU). The participating universities joined the earlier cluster of higher educational institutions that implemented the course – The Tajik Agrarian University, the Pedagogical University and the State Medical University.
Prof Dr. Abdusattor Saidov,TNAS Vice-President , Chairman of Bioethics Council, welcomed the participants and made a presentation on the role of the Bioethics Council in raising awareness and accountability of life science scientists.
Kamen Velichkov, ISTC SPM and Diplomatic Advisor greeted on behalf of ISTC the organizers and participants in the seminar and presented by way of introduction the EU Targeted Initiative and its achievements in central Asia and the Caucuses.
Prof. Dr. Firuza Nasyrova, Head of Laboratory of Biosafety, Institute of Botany, Plant Physiology and Genetics, TNAS, the manager of the Tajik project, provided an overview of the purpose and main objectives of the project. She referred to the basic concepts of ethics and responsible research
Dr. Anvar Jalilov, Head of Department, Institute of zoology and parasitology of TNAS presented a report entitled “The role of scientists and codes of conduct in the dual-use sciences”.
Akram Rakhmatov, TABioS Executive Director, made a presentation on the topic: International and national legal regime in the field of life sciences, underlined legislative acts and public policy.
The ensuing discussion touched on several topical challenges. The nature of biosafety threats is constantly changing, and various economic, political, scientific and technical factors contribute to this. To address this problem, a multilateral approach based on internationally recognized guidelines and effective national legislation reflecting the achieved level of science and technology, including and biosafety and biosecurity education programs for students of natural sciences, veterinarians and medical professionals.
The participants discussed also ethical dilemmas, the effect of fragmentation of responsibility and other topics. The educational process in dual-use sciences at four participated institutes was presented by TNU, KSU, TUT and DSU. Also, the training Handbook “Basics of bioethics and biosafety” was presented by Dr. Firuza Nasyrova. The representatives of the participation universities made their suggestions and recommendations for the elaboration of the course and the related educational materials.