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UK DTI funds its First ISTC Commercialization Initiative

UK DTI funds its First ISTC Commercialization Initiative

On March 23 the ISTC signed a Contractual Letter Memorandum with the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and the Mining and Chemical Kombinat spin-off company Collahit from the closed nuclear city of Zheleznogorsk in support of the ISTC Commercialization Initiative ‘Expansion of Collahit production for medical and cosmetology purposes’.

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European Commission’s Delegation to Russia at ISTC

European Commission’s Delegation to Russia at ISTC

On February 27th, Mr. Marc Franco, Head of the European Commission’s Delegation to Russia visited the ISTC Secretariat Headquarters in Moscow to receive a briefing on ISTC's current activities.

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ISTC and STCU Continue to Strengthen Collaborative Ties

ISTC and STCU Continue to Strengthen Collaborative Ties

On 29th January 2007 Mr. Norbert Jousten, ISTC Executive Director, welcomed representatives of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU).

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ISTC Works to Facilitate Greater Bayer Material Science Research in Russia & the CIS

ISTC Works to Facilitate Greater Bayer Material Science Research in Russia & the CIS

On 23-24 January, the ISTC welcomed over 70 international participants to a Research Conference jointly organized with Bayer MaterialScience, an ISTC Partner since 1998*, and which included the active participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)...

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Fungi and medicines

Fungi and medicines

Many fungi have a positive influence on the immune system; they are able to reduce cholesterol, fight viruses and even cancer.

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As much hot water as you want, or trapping the sun

As much hot water as you want, or trapping the sun

A house supplied with a system developed by Russian scientists from the Moscow company ALTEN, under Moscow Energy Institute Doctor of Technical Science Boris Kazandzhan, will give as much hot water as you need.

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New skull-meister

New skull-meister

Specialist anthropologist A.

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Wastes into cement

Wastes into cement

At the Nizhny Novgorod State Architecture and Construction University researchers have developed an economically effective technology to make additives to cement mixes from wood-chemical production wastes.

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Currents of flow bring warmth and cold

Currents of flow bring warmth and cold

Researchers from the Voyeikov Main Geophysical Observatory have studied the connection between changes in the temperature of the ocean surface around the warm current of the Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador Current.

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Electronic precursors of earthquakes

Electronic precursors of earthquakes

Researchers from the Institute of the Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation RAS have observed a chain of interconnected precursors of catastrophic earthquakes in the magnetosphere, geomagnetic field and the Earth’s ionosphere.

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