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ISTC Celebrates 15 Years of Science Cooperation with an International Conference - 'ISTC the Way Forward'


On 10 December 2009, the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) held its 15 Year Anniversary Conference, ISTC – The Way Forward. Many senior political and science representatives such as Ambassadors and Heads of leading CIS research institutes took part in the event attended by over 320 people at a venue in Moscow.


US Ambassador John Beyrle delivering a statement from US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton


In a Statement from US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, announced during the conference by US Ambassador John Beyrle, Secretary Clinton stated: ‘As we look back at the cooperation the ISTC has fostered over the past fifteen years, I commend the Center, and those who have supported it, for its accomplishments’.

Secretary Clinton continued: ‘The United States believes that the ISTC mission can evolve to fit a changing environment, and the Center can become an extremely valuable tool in our joint efforts to address these global challenges. Given its proven potential, the Moscow Center can now become a nexus for renewed and refocused engagement between and among scientists in the current member countries and in other interested countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and beyond.’ 

In a video address to the Conference, European Commissioner Janez Potocnik said: “the European Commission is particularly proud to have been one of those founders and partners (of ISTC). It is why we have funded ISTC supported research for the sake of nonproliferation. And it is why we remain committed to the ISTC”

And in a Statement from His Excellency, Mr. Katsuya Okada, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, delivered to the conference by Mr. Masaharu Kohno, Ambassador of Japan, Minister Okada stated: ‘ISTC has responded to threats of ‘brain proliferation’ related to the development of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and has achieved remarkable success in the non proliferation of nuclear weapons and the prevention of nuclear terrorism’.

ISTC Chairman, Dr. Ronald Lehman II, in a closing address to the conference commented: “The Conference led to a substantial discussion on results of the work of ISTC and on the way forward for the organization, taking new scientific and proliferation challenges into account.” 

Dr Lehman concluded: “The ISTC has become an increasingly valuable player in international nonproliferation and scientific cooperation and an excellent mechanism for implementing collaborative projects and initiatives. The ISTC will continue to strive to ensure that the outcome of its work, and the commitment of the Parties it represents, will lead to further scientific progress to the benefit of all.”

In 1994, and following the signing of an International Agreement, ISTC began its work at a crucial time for the scientific community of Russia and the former countries of the Soviet Union. Over 15 years, new networks of national and international scientific contacts have been built and many new partnerships have been forged as an outcome of ISTC’s projects and programs. In the course of over 2,600 projects, funded for a total of US$ 815 million, ISTC facilitated the advance of basic science, supported the creation and commercialization of new technologies, enhanced the development of biotechnology and medical advances and assisted in the development of technologies designed to protect the environment and to provide safe energy solutions.


Final Program

Read Statements from ISTC Parties and Stakeholders

Power Point presentations related to breakout sessions