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ISTC Hosts a Visit by a Delegation from South Korea

ISTC Hosts a Visit by a Delegation from South Korea

On 4 September 2019 ISTC hosted a delegation from the Ministry of Unification (MoU) of the Republic of Korea (ROK) in its Main Office in Nur-Sultan

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ISTC supports the 8th International Symposium on Special Purpose Polymers

ISTC supports the 8th International Symposium on Special Purpose Polymers

“The 8th International Symposium on Special Purpose Polymers” was conducted during August 23-25 in Karaganda and Karkaralinsk

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ISTC Supports CONDENsE Conference in Ieper, Belgium

ISTC Supports CONDENsE Conference in Ieper, Belgium

ISTC supported the organization of the CONDENsE conference held in Ieper, Belgium, on 29th and 30th August 2019 in the framework of the implementation of the ISTC Targeted Initiative Export Control on Dual Use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia

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ISTC and AFCONE Conclude a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the field of Science, Technology Research and Capacity Building

ISTC and AFCONE Conclude a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in the field of Science, Technology Research and Capacity Building

On 27 August 2019 ISTC and AFCONE signed in the ISTC Office in Nur-Sultan a Memorandum of cooperation in strengthening nuclear safety, security and safeguards in African countries, Parties to the Pelindaba Treaty on non-proliferation and the establishment of a nuclear weapons free zone on the African continent.

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ISTC supports a CERN Summer School in Almaty

ISTC supports a CERN Summer School in Almaty

The ISTC-CERN-JINR-Kazakhstan Summer School entitled “Introduction to High Energy and Accelerator Physics” took place at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty from 25 through 30 August, 2019

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EU Ambassadors Debriefed on ISTC Performanace in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

EU Ambassadors Debriefed on ISTC Performanace in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

On17July 2019 Mr. Eddie Maier Deputy Head of Unit B/5 Stability, Security, Development and Nuclear Safety, Head of Sector CBRN, EC DEVCO, represented the EU at the 68th Governing Board Meeting of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) that took place in Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan.

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ISTC and KAZGUU University Cooperate Successfully on Dual Use Export Control

ISTC and KAZGUU University Cooperate Successfully on Dual Use Export Control

Based on their Memorandum of Cooperation, the International Science and Technology Center and Narikbayev KAZGUU University in Nur Sultan are engaged in joint actions in line with ISTC Targeted Initiative on ‘Export Controls of Dual-Use Materials and Technologies in Central Asia’ funded by the European Commission.

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International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) talks with Ministry of Energy Aim at Bolstering Cooperation

International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) talks with Ministry of Energy Aim at Bolstering Cooperation

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An Executive Course on Export Control Begins at KAZGUU in Nur-Sultan  Under an ISTC Targetted Initiative

An Executive Course on Export Control Begins at KAZGUU in Nur-Sultan Under an ISTC Targetted Initiative

On 17 June 2019 an Executive Course on Export Control started at the M. Narikbayeb KAZGUU University with the support of ISTC, in the framework of the Targetted Initiative on CBRN export control.

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The ISTC 2019 Doctoral Research Grant Awarded to a Young Kazakh Scholar

The ISTC 2019 Doctoral Research Grant Awarded to a Young Kazakh Scholar

The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) awarded its 2019 Doctoral Research Grant to Mr. Zhanat Baigazinov

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