ISTC presented an overview of its various programs and services designed to facilitate the identification of available know-how and the development of technologies.
ISTC sponsored the participation of 5 Russian scientists from the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis and from VNIIEF who developed a unique hydrogen/natural gas run vehicle in demonstration at the event.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide an exchange of information between different bodies involved in this new industry in order to better compete globally while reducing environmental risks.
As a result of the workshop, an international task force was proposed in order to improve global cooperation and coordination of the work in this field of science.
ISTC and the US Environmental Protection Agency organize a special presentation on Clean Air Technology at the ISTC Secretariat on 30 April 2009 from 2 pm to 5:30 pm.
The workshop was concluded with the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Association Lasers and Plasmas and the Federation of Research Lasers and Plasmas from the French side, the Russian Academy of Sciences from the Russian side, and the International Science and Technology Center.
See all events planned for 2009
ISTC met with Senior Representatives of the Armenian National Academy of Science During a Seminar in Yerevan.
ISTC sponsored the participation of the Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, providing senior representatives of the institute with an opportunity to present the results of ISTC funded projects
1st Annual Conference of the BIosafety Association for Central Asia & the Caucasus
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