Seminar "Combating Global Infections"

12th ISTC SAC Seminar "Combating Global Infections"
September 21-24, 2009, Irkutsk
The annual Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) conference on the theme "Combating Global Infections" was held on 21-24 September in Irkutsk (Lystvyanka). The event was supported by the Russian Federation State Duma, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Ssciences, Minsoczdravrazviti’e and the World Health Organization (WHO). The program intended to contribute to the implementation of the decisions taken by the G8 member-states during the summit held in Saint Petersburg in 2006, which proposed a global counterepidemic strategy.
The growth of disease incidence such as viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, viral enteric infections, on one hand, and the potential risk of bioterrorism on the other, pose a severe threat to global security. New infectious diseases (i.e., newly detected), such as avian and pandemic flu are emerging; the need for prophylaxis of “re-emerging” infections (malaria, viral hemorrhagic fever) is becoming more urgent while no significant reduction in the incidence of cholera, anthrax, plague and other highly dangerous infections are observed.
The guidelines enclosed in the summit decisions were targeted towards a global unified modernization of the public health systems:
Early diagnostics of newly emerging infections and prevention of their proliferation;
Construction and reinforcement of the relevant infrastructures; implementation of collective approaches to training specialists and to human resource strategy in the public health, especially in the developing countries;
Enhancement of the prophylactic component in combating global diseases;
Fund raising to implement global programs on combating infectious diseases;
Engagement of civilian institutions in counterepidemic activities;
Build-up of domestic potential in the developing countries to combat infectious diseases;
Raising the efficiency of health protection measures to the population in emergency situations.
The above guidelines were taken as the basis to formulate the program and the list of basic topics to be addressed during the conference.
The program of the conference was enriched by comprehensive data on the global disease surveillance , including molecular and info-communication technique. Key-note lectures were given on surveillance, diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases and emerging microbial multidrug resistance. Special attention was paid to the pandemic of swine influenza. At the session dedicated to this merging infection up-to-date information and analyses was done by representatives of EU, Canada, RF, WHO and pharmaceutical companies. A separate session was dedicated to MDR- XDR-TB in the world and methods of rapid diagnostics.
More than twenty oral and poster presentations reflected results of investigations, conducted in RF and CIS under ISTC project program. A very important issue was discussed related to competency building. Additionally, competition of young scientists was conducted.
The conference was attended by experts from the leading Russian/CIS research institutions ( Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Ukraine), representatives of public and international organizations in the public health sector; specialists from research centers of the US, Canada, Japan, Germany, France.
All presentations given at the event
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Contact telephones in Moscow (495) 982-32-86, 982-32-21, Fax 978-46-37,,;
Irkutsk – (3952)24-38-25;
High-tech medicine & public healthcare together with international co-operation and global decisions is the prerequisite of the success in combating infectio
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