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ISTC Success Stories: Biosafety and Biosecurity in Central Asia- Training of specialists in Quarantine and Zoonotic Infections in collaboration with ISTC and European Commision (DEVCO)


For many years the countries of Central Asia did not have a good own base and experience for training specialists in Biosafety and Biosecurity, while for the regions safety it is important to work and solve regional problems especially for prevention of epidemiological risk and uncontrolled proliferation of bilogical materials.

218 specialists attended the advanced trainings at Aikimbayev's Kazakh Scientific Center for Quarantine and Zoonotic Diseases (KSCQZD) in the framework of ISTC project K-1817" Providing Bio-safety and Bio-security Training by Kazakh Scientific Centre for Quarantine and Zoonotic Diseases (KSCQZD)". 

This project is financed by European Commission /EuropeAid/DG Development and Cooperation (DEVCO). The project started in June 2010 and after 3 years was extended for another 15 months until August 2014 to support a long-term bio-safety stability in the countries of Central Asia.

To read the article in the Kazakh scientific magazine related to the ISTC project on Bio-safety and Bio-security Training in the Central Asiaplease click here