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ISTC benefit scientific and technological development: 3 Reports are published


The ISTC has reviewed the results of ISTC completed projects in the area of:

- nuclear safeguards;
- radiation sensors and their application;
- oil and gas 

The work was finalized in June 2012.

The reviews carried out in the three sectors showed in general terms that the ISTC funded work was:

- executed on a cost-effective basis. There was value for money;
- served as a start for further scientific and technological development. The funding albeit limited in volume had the function of support promoting scientific discoveries;
- a factor preserving science in the countries concerned. In various cases scientific know-how was developed and expanded;
- a reason to start networking with colleagues both inside and outside the CIS. In most cases the role of foreign collaborators in project execution was positive; 
- a substantial contribution was made to non-proliferation objectives. 

A common weakness was the lack of systematic dissemination of the results of the work to (foreign) stakeholders respectively by the ISTC secretariat and the lead research institute. With respect to the latter, obstacles related to language skills played a role as well as the cost related to obtain an international patent.

ISTC has published three reports respectively.

The reports can be downloaded from this website or copies can be ordered via e-mail to Mr Zaitseva (zaitseva@istc.ru)


Project Review Report: Nuclear Safeguards (Download)


Project Review Report: Radiation Sensors and their application (Download)


Project Review Report: Oil and Gas (Download)


More information (Download)