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The study of the biological characteristics of Erwinia amilovora (Burrill) Winslow et al, agro-environmental factors influencing on the development of fire blight and develop an integrated control of disease"

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


The Project aim.

- fundamental and applied researches on biological characteristics of Erwinia amylovora (molecular genetic characterization of the pathogen’s strains from various eco-geographical origins, the range of host plants, vectors of infection, the incubation period of the disease, the phenomenon of potential synergies between E. amylovora and Ps. syringae, cultural-morphological characteristics, and physiological and biochemical properties of the pathogen, etc.);

- establish influence of agro-ecological factors on distribution and development of Fire Blight (role of rootstocks, soil types, system of the soil content in the garden, fertilizer system, methods of irrigation, and others);
- study physiological and biochemical characteristics of diseased apple trees, mechanism of actions of the pathogen on a plant by anatomical studies;
- describe the features of pathogenesis of the disease and dynamics of its development, depending on the conditions of the year;
- explore the cultivar resistance of fruit crops to Fire Blight;
- to establish the scale and progression of Fire Blight distribution in Kazakhstan, harmfulness of the disease in the infested gardens in depending of its development;
- monitoring pervasion of the disease in wild apple trees of Jungar and Trans-Ili Alatau, and Tarbagatay mountains;
- develop the Fire Blight integrated control measures, including quarantine and sanitation, cultural, biological, chemical methods, and transfer of foreign products and technologies.
Current status. The current state of the Fire Blight studding, in our opinion, is not quite satisfactory. Despite numerous studies in several countries, many of the issues of ecology and biology of the pathogen of the disease are not well understood; effective control measures have not been developed, which is probably due to the complexity of the object.

The project’ influence on progress in this area.

Because of the research on this project, we hope to fill in the researchers carried out in other countries, and eventually offer the Fire Blight integrated control strategy. Implementation of this strategy, according to our calculations, increases productivity of fruit orchards 1.5-2 times.

The participants’ expertise. Scientists involved in this project are highly qualified and have extensive experience in the study of phytopathological and horticultural topics, which is confirmed by publications and presentations at international conferences. Young scientists involved in the project will gain scientific experience.

Expected results and their application.

On basis of researches the Fire Blight biology and agro-ecological factors limiting development of the disease, introduction of resistant varieties, own measures schemes, through transfer of foreign products and technologies integrated control strategy will be developed. Monitoring pervasion of the disease in wild apple trees of Kazakhstan was performed.

This system will be implemented in large agro-industrial associations, farms, some of its elements - in home gardens and suburban areas. Introduction of this system will increase fruit yields 1.5-2 times

Participating Institutions


Kazakh Scientific Research Institute for Plant Protection and Quarantine


Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture


Michigan State University