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Development of the system to control circulation and localization of the FMD virus in trans boundary territories of Tajikistan, Kirghizstan and Afghanistan

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


The purpose of the present project is: carrying out epizootologic monitoring among domestic animals and establish of database of FMD virus in transboundary areas of Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan; definition of types and virus subtypes of FMD; definition of intensity of immunity at the vaccinated and had been ill animals; studying of immune-biological properties of circulating isolates of FMD virus. Working out of the joint plan on control and the prevention of drift of FMD virus on territory of republics, and also carrying out of preventive actions for the purpose of localisation of circulation of FMD virus in transboundary areas of Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan.
FMD remains to be one of the most dangerous animal diseases. The tendency to global spread, high contagiousness, wide range of animals susceptible to the disease, a variety of ways to recover and spread it, survivability both in environment and in-vivo is highly detrimental to livestock breeding in many countries of the world. Thus, in 2001, the FMD panzootia spread from England to continental Europe (France, Germany), and had a tendency to spread further.
Fight against FMD as an especially dangerous disease of agricultural animals continues to be quite challenging in Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan. Lack of information on FMD spread in neighboring countries (China, Uzbekistan, Razahstan , and Pakistan) also gives rise to concern and calls for the need to control the disease and to prevent carrying the disease into the countries. Analysis of epizootic situation and FMD vaccine prevention in Tajikistan in recent years demonstrated that FMD was repeatedly recorded in different regions, but most often it occurs in areas transboundary areas of Tajikistan and Afghanistan and has a tendency to spread further.
The control of FMD considerably becomes complicated by heterogeneity of its activator. Distinguish seven serotypes of FMD virus: A, O, C, Asia - 1, SAT-1, SAT-2, SAT-3. Within everyone serotype there are numerous antigen variants. An obligatory condition of antiepizootic efficiency of FMD vaccines is conformity of antigenic properties of manufacturing FMD virus strain to epizootic strain.
In this way there is a constant necessity of identification of epizootic strains and studying of their antigenic properties and comparison with the vaccinal.
The Project will involve four following tasks:
The coordination and a writing of the work plan on joint research of epizotologic situations on FMD in transboundary areas of Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
Task 1. Training.
1.1 Carrying out of training seminar for participants of the project on training to bases of biological safety and bioprotection at carrying out of monitoring on selection and delivery of a pathological material from unsuccessful on FMD areas
1.2. Carrying out of training seminar for participants of the project on training of laboratory diagnostics of FMD (CFT, CFIR, EIA and PCR).
Task 2. Epizotologic situation
Studying of epizotoologic situations of FMD; drawing up of database and epizootic map of circulation of FMD in transboundary areas of Tajikistan and Afghanistan.
Task 3. Laboratory diagnostics. Using methods of complement fixation test (CFT), enzyme immunoassay (EIA), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and complement fixation inhibition reaction (CFIR). FMD serological monitoring for the purposes of assessing animal immunity background; identification of post-vaccine antibodies in cloven-hoofed animals; study of immune biological properties of FMD virus strains.
Task 4. Working out of the joint plan on control and the prevention of drift of FMD virus on territory of republics, and also designing of carrying out of preventive actions for the purpose of localization of FMD virus on transboundary areas of Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan.
Project realization will allow:
-To study epizootic situation on FMD in transboundary areas of Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan (researches will be carried out in 4 provinces of Badakhshan and 5 provinces of Northern Afghanistan).
-To study immune biological properties of isolates of FMD virus allocated from territories of the transboundary areas of Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan
-To reveal postinfectious and postvaccinal antibodies at large horned livestock and the sheep living in transboundary areas of Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan.
- To reveal factors influencing on FMD virus circulation in surveyed territory.
-Create a databank on FMD virus circulating on territory of regions.
- To develop the joint plan on control and the prevention of drift of FMD virus on territory of republics.
- To develop a complex of preventive actions for the purpose of localization of the centers of FMD virus in transboundary areas of Tajikistan, Kirhizstan and Afghanistan.

Participating Institutions


NGO Centre of ecology and innovative technologies


Kyrgyz Research Institute of Veterinary named after A.Duysheev (KRIV)


Tempest Research Foundation