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Integrated Ground and Surface Water Resources of High Mountain Areas, Prospecting and Management

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


Water plays a paramount role in the development of the economics of all the countries in the world. Its importance increases even more given the quick increase in population and the further development of industry and agriculture. It is necessary to search for water resources especially in those countries, which are situated in arid and semi-arid zones and characterized by negative water balance. The problem of water supply has become one of the most important issues regarding the expected global climate change. It is known, that the volcanic processes have been traced during the whole known evolution of the Earth. Cainozoe is of special interest because of the ground waters there. In Cainozoe the strong volcanic processes took place in many zones. Strong outbreaks of volcanism of Cainozoe became apparent on the bounds of East Pont (Turkey), Iran, Afghanistan Armenian and Georgian highlands.

Project Goal: To develop scientifically explained methodology on investigation ground water resources of volcanic areas, including their prospecting, spatial distribution and using for water supply in whole. In fact, such complex methodology is to be developed first on base of generalization, analysis of published and archived materials concerning to affairs of formation and development of water resources of volcanic areas.

The current status in the area of study. The research is planned to be carried out on the example of volcanic regions of Aragats – the south-eastern part of Javakheti (Armenia) and the northern part of Javakheti (Georgia). The effusive complex has water because of the jointing and other structure-texture lava features. Almost all the existing lava joints are interconnected and occur all over their depth. The intensive infiltration is also promoted by the existence of the enormous stone placers on the lava surface and the considerable declivity of large morphological units. In whole the deeply penetrating atmospheric and condensation waters are flowing through interlava zones and powerful sublava streams over the gradient of the ancient relief represented by sedimentary and volcanogenious-sedimentary deposits. At the same time, currently any combined works or methodical introductions on investigation of ground waters of volcanic areas including, in particular, choosing their rational complex depending on physical-geological conditions, concrete objectives and degree of investigations conducted in this area are absent.

Expected results and their application

As a result of the project implemented the following results will be obtained:

· list of peculiarities of underground water formation and movements in volcanic regions;\regional (generalized) physic-hydrogeological model of volcanic regions including the areas of formation, water flow and underground water discharge;

· improved methods (already existing) of complex field investigations and the interpretations of data;
· adjusted cartographic materials on distribution of underground water resources, which can be used for development of underground water with water supply purposes;
headlines for choosing the strategy of water supply recovery during emergency situations, which will require: (1)Knowledge of regional hydrogeological conditions of territories, and in the first place possible deep extends of groundwater. (2) To hold developed and practically verified comprehensive methodology for groundwater rapid revealing.

Scope of Activities: Sequence of performance of planned researches:
Stage of preliminary works: The analysis of the published and archival works on application of hydrogeological, geophysical, space methods for the research and mapping of groundwater in volcanic regions of various continents.

Stage of research works: Features of formation and movement of groundwater of volcanic regions paleovallay, as special paleohydrogeological structures.

- Hydrogeophysical methods for studying groundwater (physico-hydrogeological models of volcanic regions, connection between hydrogeophysical and water-physical parameters of environment, an establishment of connection between recent and ancient-buried watersheds).

- Basic opportunities and features of using the space methods at the decision of hydrogeological problems in volcanic areas (natural factors, as information bases for mapping; revealing of possible principles of a combination to other searching methods).

- A rational combination of different methods as bases for the development of methodology on research of groundwater in volcanic areas.

Stage of field research: In characteristic model territories results of studied complex methods for study of sublava water and characterizing of water caring collectors, also the porosity and permeability of rocks will be checked. Practical hydrological problems in endogenous basins are typically connected to contamination of fresh water resources and include amongst others well field mineralization, crop damage and surface water quality deterioration.

Stage of final works: Submission of the final report and summary mapping materials in the example of the basis of resources of groundwater of the Aragats-Javakhety region volcanic area.Submission of methodical recommendations on application developed methodology in other regions of recent volcanism.

Participating Institutions


Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology (IGIS)


Hydroscope Co LTD


GIS and RS Consulting Center GeoGraphic


Green Line


Institute for Applied Geosciences


Technical University of Cluj-Napoca


Universitat de Girona


University of Geneva