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The study of mechanisms of low-frequency electromagnetic field impacts on living organisms based on analysis of the changes in kinetics and stoichiometry of the ion transport in the Na, K-ATPase, localized in brain synaptic membranes

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 24 months


The aim of this project is to study the mechanisms of the effect of low-frequency (acoustic range) electromagnetic fields (LFEMF/AREMF) observed at atomic and molecular levels based on the analysis of the changes, in the kinetics of the enzymatic reaction and stoichiometry of ion transport in the Na, K-ATPase, localized in synaptic membrane fractions of the brain.
To achieve this goal, we consider it necessary, based of regulations and approved methods of theoretical physics, physical chemistry, quantum radio-physics, elasticity theory, mathematical statistics and physiology of biological membranes, to carry out the following specific tasks (experimental studies will be carried out in in-vitro regime):
- Effects of AREMF exposure on the kinetics of enzymatic reactions in Na, K-ATPase, localized in the synaptic membrane fractions of the brain will be studied;
- Clarification of the changes taking place in the stoichiometry of the Na + and K + transport depending on the mode of NaK-ATPase functioning will be done;
- Based on statistical data processing and analysis, a base of adequate mathematical model of kinetic analysis of enzymatic reactions taking place under AREMF influence will be developed.
- Hypothesis about the causes of the changes, in the kinetics of the enzymatic reaction and stoichiometry of ion transport in the Na, K-ATPase, localized in synaptic membrane fractions of the brain, while exposing by AREMF will be developed.
Current status: Living organisms (LO) are constantly exposed to natural or man-made LFEMF. Besides, these fields are used to diagnose and treat various diseases. In the study of any treatment, is of fundamental importance not only establishment of its effectiveness, but also the identification of mechanisms of its impact and on this basis the definition of dosage and duration of use (sure, taking into account the likelihood of appearance and severity of possible side effects). In spite of great scientific and practical interest, mechanisms of LFEMF action on LO are still unknown.
Besides, despite the great potential applications of AREMF in medicine to the best of our knowledge, in scientific literature the effects of this range waves on LO still are not considered.
The project influence on progress in this area: The sharp stimulating action AREMF on the biochemical reactions and dependence of the secondary viscosity (dissipated energy of the field) from the frequency for fields of this range opens the great perspective of using this range fields in the medicine on the one hand, but on the other hand creates additional difficulties in terms of needed highly accurate in determining of the optimal values of the field parameters (intensity, frequency, time of exposition). Realization of this project to the creation of such mathematical model will promote, which will allow to define the optimal values of field parameters for the given situation.
We believe that successful completion of mentioned tasks will be the first step toward deciphering the mechanisms of AREMF impacts on living systems, particularly on a basic - atomic and molecular level. This will allow scientists to pursue further studies already at the cellular and systemic levels.
Technical Approach and Methodology: Study of reaction kinetics of NaK-ATPase localized in the brain synaptic membrane fraction will be possible with the use of kinetic analysis of multi-sited enzyme systems;
The effect of different factors on experimental results by one- and multi-factorial dispersive analysis will be estimate priority of variables and parameters will be revealed. Links between different variables, the form of these links and the evaluation of their accuracy by correlation and regression analysis will be accomplished;
Identifying the reasons of changes occurring in kinetics of enzymatic reactions influenced by LFEMF/ AREMF, by the redistribution of enthalpy and entropy inside the molecule of enzyme on the background of conformational changes in the molecule of enzyme (caused by influence of the sc. panderomotoriс forces) will be considered.

Participating Institutions


Georgian Technical University (GTU)


I. Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine (IBCEB)


University of Malaga


Duke University/Medical Center


National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL)