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Rotor with the changing possibility of geometry parameter in dynamics for aviation and powerful wind stations

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 24 months


It is known that from the day of existence of rotors acutely stands the problem of creation of a design of rotors with the possibility of changing basic geometry parameters in dynamics. It is preconditioned with the fact that rotors with fixed pitch (RFP) are not optimal for all the stages of operation of aggregates of various purposes. The solution to this problem is possible only by application of the variable geometry rotor (VGR) owing to the possibility of simultaneous change of the rotor diameter and setting angle and twist of blades in dynamics.
The conducted preliminary aerodynamic and economic calculations prove that by means of use of a design developed by us the annual volume of energy worked out by each wind station can be increased minimum by 100%.
The Project objective is creation of the updated mechanism of the rotor diameter change combined with the system of compensation of centrifugal forces and widening of the range of the twist of blades. With the aim several versions of the mechanism have been developed from which together with the collaborators will be chosen the optimal one for fabrication and tests. The accuracy of preliminary scientific conclusions by means of the acting model will be checked and preconditions of certification of the VGR and control of the brand with a strategic aim will be considered. For estimation of advancement of the VGR to the market, a preliminary ZWOT analysis will be carried out.

Participating Institutions


Georgian Technical University (GTU)



Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)