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Preparation and research of composite ceramic materials containing titanium- and zirconium borides and carbides for multifunctional application

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 24 months


The project seeks to determine the feasibility of obtaining boron-, titanium- and zirconium oxides in a single technological cycle by using the method of carbothermal reduction; preparation of composite materials based on appropriate borides and carbides, studies of some properties of the obtained composites and determination of the areas for their potential application. The institute is uniquely qualified to to carry out science and research activities in the field of fundamental and experimental researches of the reduction processes of thermodynamics, as well as obtaining and studies of boron-containing materials and composites at the F. Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science.

Titanium- and zirconium borides and carbides whether separately or as a composite mixture have the unique complex of physical and chemical properties. They may be successfully applied in various fields of modern technologies – mechanical engineering, electronic, atomic and air space industries. Products and coatings made on the grounds of those materials may be applied in medicine for personnel protection against neutron radiation when carrying out diagnosing and treatment of oncologic diseases. Zirconium- borides and carbides may also protect equipment and people against accompanying a - radiation.

The main technical solution of researches in the proposed project is to minimize required experiments for obtaining the composite ceramic materials containing titanium- and zirconium borides and carbides in a single technological cycle of carbothermal reduction. Among the methods of producing titanium- and zirconium borides and carbides as well as among those of their composites, carbothermal reduction method attracts the increasing attention due to its simplicity, availability of components and possibility of decrease in energy consumption when receiving those.

The technique of the mechanical and chemical activation and carbothermal restoration of the mixtures applied within the proposed project can be exploited in various branches of industry when implementing analogical processes.

Participating Institutions


Legal Entity of Public Law - Ferdinand Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science (IMET GAS)


Missouri University of Science and Technology


North Carolina State University


FLOGEN Technologies Inc.