Project purpose: To develop effective methods of decontamination of industrial waters and bottom sediments of tail-stores of gold extraction factories (GEF) of Kyrgyzstan.
The state of research field.
According to date of independent experts only on Kumtor deposit for manufacture needs near 4380mln l of water is used, which then is returned into hydrogeological system. Near of 89mln tons of industrial waters waste is already produced. These scales of GEF industrial waters continue to rise, passing into environment and bringing the harm to Kyrgyzstan. Besides, Kumtor deposit is in the zone of formation of water, and also in the zone of elevated seismic activity, what makes additional threats for Kumtor and Naryn rivers.In the case of technogenic occasion not only Kyrgyzstan population, but also population of neighboring states (Usbekistan, Kazakstan) may suffer from.
All Kyrgyzstan GEF use cyanide methods of gold extracting. This lead to that rest amount of reagent produces metals cyanide complexes, capable to store fora long time in tail-stores bottom sediment.
Also many Kyrgyzstan deposits contain pyrite and other iron sulfide minerals, which under oxidation at microflora, air and water effect produce sulfates,sulfatesin their turn presents long – term threat for ecology, forming acidic waters in future.
The pollution by explosive substances, fuel, antifreeze, oil and lubricant, domestic waste, herbicides and pesticides may be also be referred to technogenic contaminants. The rest of mass using of explosive substances enter into environment in ammonia and nitrates kind. Petrol and diesel form cancerogenious substances dangerous for many representative of aqueous fauna. For instance, free ammonia for inhabiting in cold-water fish is equal on toxicity to free cyanide.
Besides of technogenic pollution GEF industrial waters contain arsenicum, palladium, osmium and others.
Many of independent hydrogeochemical and biological investigations of industrial waste, and also of surface waters and bottom sediments of the Kumtor – river, conducted by independent experts (prof. Robert E.Moran, Michael Moran Assoc., Colarado, USA; chemical-analytical laboratories of hygiene Institute of Rur region, Germany; Institute named after Iojef Shtefan, Lublana, Slovenia;Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic), proved the gradual contimanation of water resources in Kumtor mine region by cyanides, arsenicum, sulfates, nitrates, heavy metals and oil products.
Besides of toxic components tail-stores contain significant quantity of heavy metals, including gold, not extracted by usual methods. So, at Makmal deposit tail-store 9 tons of gold is contained, and at Kumtor deposit tail-store - till 76 tons of gold.
The analysis of patent and literature sources had shown that in spite of majority of methods of decontamination and purification of GEF industrial waters (both physical-chemical and biological) none of them is universal and has significant advantages. Every methods has both definite merits and demerits. In this connection, the development of more effective methods of purification of Kyrgyzstan GEF industrial waters becomes actual.
For successful realization of put purpose, the solving of following tasks is necessary.
The effect of offered Project on the progress in given field
The Project actuality is stipulated by that in Kyrgyzstan the majority deposits located in the places of formation of water – that creates additional ecological threat not only for Kyrgyzstan, but for neighbors states also, who uses waters of rivers flowing in direct short-sightedness to GEF (for instance, the Naryn river). It is necessary not only cTechnical approaches and methods
The main novelty in the work carrying out is differentiated approach to the problems of each concrete deposit with calculation of all factors (initial, technogenic, hypergenic) of pollution of industrial waters and tale- stores of Kyrgyzstan GEF.
The work on study of Kyrgyzstan GEF industrial waters is actual not only from position of their influence on ecology, but also from position of their consideration as technogenic deposits.onduct of constant monitoring of the state of surface hydrosphere on the gold-extracting deposits, but also to develop actively and inculcate more effective technologies of decontamination and purification of GEF industrial waters.