Minimal till management of soil under cotton in South Kazakhstan
Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months
It is proposed to apply new ( for Kazakhstan) resource-saving technology of soil tillage, allowing to reduce the number of passes of farm machinery, thereby reduce energy resources, compaction and topsoil spraying, and reduce the amount of irrigation water. Also it is assumed to adapt cotton growing technologies used in the United States (technology transfer) in South Kazakhstan region, which excludes soil tillage, including shredding of stalks after harvest of cotton and other adapted methods.
It is assumed to study the effect of microbiological processes on decomposition of plant mulch, most active types of organism sin decomposition of plant mulch mass, thereby find the most active microogranisms for decomposition of plant mass and increasing soil fertility.
Purchase and installation of weather stations in the test area will allow to study the effect of temperature, relative air humidity, degree of solar radiation, soil temperature and moisture and other factors influencing on root growth and development of cotton plants. Purchasing and installation of the equipment and drip irrigation device in field conditions will enable the studying of the impact of this type of irrigation on growth, development and cotton yield.
As a result the new soil tillage technology will have positive effects on the root system and thus increase soil fertility and yield capacity of cotton.
Participating Institutions
U.U.Uspanov Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry