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CBRN Critical Infrastructure Protection and Security in the South East and Eastern Europe and CA regions

Project Status: 6 Project underway
Commencement Date: 14.09.2023
Duration in months: 0 months


Aim of the project is to strengthen and enhance of protection and security measures for national CBRN Critical Infrastructure facilities and practices in the SEEE, CA and potentially MIE region partner countries in order to ensure minimization of any of Chemical, Biological or Radiological/ Nuclear hazard induced health consequences, human and economic losses following the violation of physical protection and security regimes on any of facilities of national CBRN Critical Infrastructure.

Geographical Scope: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine (SEEE Region), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan (CA region). Upon request, specific activities could be carried out in Lebanon and of Iraq.

Project work packages are:

WP 1 – Elaboration of inventories of: a) Existing or potentially considered facilities and practices of CBRN Critical Infrastructure; b) Capacities, resources, needs, relevant regulations related to protection and security of CBRN Critical Infrastructure.

WP 2 – Elaboration/ transfer of methodology/guide/SOP on: a) Identification of national facilities/ practices of CBRN Critical Infrastructure; b) General Design of Physical Protection, Security, and Cyber-security systems for CBRN Critical Infrastructure facilities; d) Response to protection, security, and cyber-security threats to CBRN facilities and practices

WP 3 – Elaboration/transfer of methodologies on specific/ sectoral risk assessment of CBRN critical infrastructure facilities and practices. Assist in country-specific risks assessment CBRN Critical Infrastructure.

WP 4 – Development/ enhancing of competences and inter-agency cooperation of state actors responsible for general security, cyber security and physical protection of national CBRN Critical Infrastructure facilities/ practices through trainings and exercises.

WP 5 – Development/ enhancing of sub-regional, regional and inter-regional cooperation by exchange of best practices workshops, sub-regional, regional and inter-regional table-top exercises. Strengthening of regional and inter-regional cooperation of security and cyber-security personnel by establishing professional networks. Exploring the ways of safe transfer of information to ensure better protection of national CBRN Critical Infrastructure facilities and practices. Transfer of EU best practices on measures of protection of CBRN Critical Infrastructure.

Participating Institutions


International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)