The Project aim. The objective of the project is the evaluation of the mining industry impact on biodiversity of transboundary rivers of Kura basin including the identification of vulnerable components and bioindicators of the ecosystem. The principal task of the project is a complex monitoring and an elaboration of principles of waters and ecosystems management.
Current status. Up to date hydrochemicalandfragmentaryhydrobiological investigations of the Kura river basin have been conducted. The following parameters were determined: the physical parameters, the general sanitary parameters, pH water reaction. In the countries of the Kura river basin an increased attention is paid to the problem of heavy metals pollution of the aquatic environment. However, the available data on heavy metals concentration in surface water are still limited. The analysis of the actual situation in the Kura river basin is limited to only two metals: copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).
Hydrobiological investigations of Debedriver is scarce. The scientific data on macrophyte communities of rivers Debed, Mashavera and Khrami are very little, the only known species composition is for halophytic communities situated in the Debed river. The information on individual taxonomic groups of the invertebrate fauna in the Debedriver and its tributaries is limited to works containing an information of the species composition of molluscs, dragonflies and mayflies. The results of study of ichthyofauna species composition of Debed river have shown that at present the number of species in this region is increased mainly due to non commercial invaluable seldom introduced or penetrated species, and fishes grown for artificial cultivation in close fish farms.At present the ichthyofauna of Debed is presented by following fish species: Alburnoides bipunctatus armeniensis, Barbus lacerta cyri,Capoetacapoeta, Salmo trutta m.fario, Barbus mursa mursoides, Gobio gobio.
The project’ influence on progress in this area. A joint monitoring programme for rivers of Kura basin by Armenian and Georgian sides will improve the international exchange of knowledge and the transfer of project results to other river basins aimed at sustainable development of the region. We expect that the project activity will boost co-operation and partnership between neighbouring countries where the relations are tensed because of permanent disagreements about the source of contamination in shared waters. The Supporting Application have had numerous regional projects with the same neighbours mainly on NGO level, including educational, capacity building and other local significance projects. However, since the establishment of independence in the countries of South Caucasus region there was no one science-based project giving a true estimation of the harm caused by mining enterprises and recommendations on mitigating the impact. The proposed study might create a ground for future partnership between the Supporting applicant and their colleagues from neighbouring countries.
Expected results and their application. The Project is related to both basic and applied researches.
In accordance with the stages of the project the following results are expected to be obtained:· a data bank of water quality indices for different years, a classification of natural reservoirs by integral indices of pollution level,
· a database on species diversity, their connection with water quality,
· a data bank on species which are indicators of physical and chemical pollution of water reservoirs,
· data on morphological indices to assess habitat,
· study of regularities for water self-cleaning processes with the help of hydrochemical and hydrobiological indices which will give an opportunity to formulate recommendations on stimulation of these processes,
· a manual for water-quality monitoring, for the determination of different origin pollution on the basis of biological indices, recommendations on defining the ecologically safe load in water ecosystems,
· a prognosis for the expected ecological state of natural water reservoirs using mathematical models,
· a program of public awareness of the work results will be drawn up and submitted to educational institutions, radio and television,
· a program of water resource management will be drawn up and submitted to the direct users.
New information will be obtained within the course of the project: on biodiversity, ecology and evolution of water organisms. The elaborations will be submitted to the Government and institutions interested in hydroecological problems, for the purpose of protecting rivers and water biocenosis from pollution and ensuring proper quality of transboundary waters.