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Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


The main objective of the project: the development of the technology of isolation and accelerated propagation of promising potato hybrids of domestic breeding resistant to stress factors (heat-, drought- and salt tolerance) of the environment through the use of biotechnology for further transfer to the state variety trials.
The main objectives of the study include:
1. Induction of callus formation and regeneration of the plants in cell culture from various potato explants.
2. Definition of the role of environmental conditions in the implementation of the morpho-genetical potential.
3. Study of the effect of various NaCL concentrations on the growth of callus cells when cultured on a nutrient medium where NaCL acts as a selective agent to obtain salt-tolerant plants.
4. To study the nature of inheritance of drought tolerance based on PEG in cultural medium.
5. To study the nature of inheritance of heat resistance on the basis of exposure to high temperatures (in the range 37-38 ° C) under the laboratory conditions.
6. As a result of assessing the nature of heat-, drought- and salt tolerance, to identify promising hybrids with a high degree of resistance to environmental stress factors.
7. Accelerated propagation of promising potato hybrids resistant to stress factors in the culture in vitro and obtaining from them micro and minitubers based on innovative technology.
8. Propagation and field testing of promising potato hybrids resistant to stress factors (heat-, drought- and salt tolerance) of the environment for further transfer to the state variety trial. (SVT)
The potato is a prime food product 9n Kazakhstan and can be exported to nearby populous neighboring countries that do not have adequate space for its cultivation. Area planted is up to 267 thousand hectares. The yield is 17-18 t/ha. However, due to low yields in comparison with the advanced countries of Western Europe (UK, Netherlands, Germany, France and others.), where the yield is 40-50 t / ha, gross yield of tubers does not provide the need of the national economy.
Based on the international practice, one of the radical ways to increase the crop yield is to introduce in the production the hybrids and productive varieties adapted to local soil and climatic conditions and having a competitive advantage over imported ones.
Resistance to major biotic and abiotic stresses is one of the basic requirements that apply to modern crop varieties and to the technologies of their cultivation. For many cultures the problem of complex long-term resistance to stress factors of biotic and abiotic nature still remains unresolved. The problem is particularly acute for the potato as it is a culture forming food security.
In Kazakhstan, the degeneration of potato on the background of heightened phytosanitary situation can cause the death of up to 40-50%, and in some years up to 80% of the crop. In addition, significant losses are due to the fluctuations of weather conditions, and other abiotic factors.
The main solution to obtain high and stable yields under the increasing problem of desertification of cultivated land is to create domestic hybrids and productive varieties adapted to stressful environmental conditions.
The project has identified the main stages of research, general analytical approach, methodology and expected results.

Participating Institutions


Limited Liability Partnership Scientific Analytical Center Biomedpreparat


Limited Liability Parthership BioProm Technologies