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The study of the entering processes of radioactive cesium to the territory of Tajikistan by atmospheric flows, their accumulation, distribution on agricultural lands and transmission to agricultural crops and cattle

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


The project aim. The study of the entering processes of radioactive cesium to the territory of Tajikistan by atmospheric flows, their accumulation, distribution on agricultural lands and transmission to agricultural crops and cattle

Current status.Cesium easily migrates in the environment. Nuclear explosions are formed fine particles, adsorbing cesium and slowly drop down to the surface of the land. Precipitation accelerate the deposition particles. At ground nuclear explosions on silicate soils are formed of low-soluble particles.

Fallen to the lands surface of radioactive cesium moves under the influence of natural factors in the horizontal and vertical directions. Horizontal migration occurs at wind erosion of soils, runoff of atmospheric precipitation. The rate of migration depends on meteorological factors (wind speed and rainfall intensity, etc.). The vertical migration of cesium occurs with the filtration of water currents.
Prevention, emergency care and treatment of radiation injuries,
137Cs, and other radionuclides shall be in accordance with specifically designed regulations. However, be aware that the radiocesium intensively absorbed from the intestines and lungs, and the effectiveness of first aid depends on its timing. The maximum effect achieved if urgent assistance provided in the first hours after receipt of radiocesium in the human body.

The relevance and need for systematic monitoring of the radiation situation and indication of quantities of radionuclides, in particular radioactive 137Cs on the southern borders of Eurasia, on the territory of Tajikistan in particular, is caused by the next factors. (1) Along with the fact that 93% of Tajikistan's territory is mountainous, the country is characterized by intermountain corridors especially in the South (on the border with Afghanistan, Iran). These corridors can act as a carrier for entry of fine particles with radioactive cesium. (2) Tajikistan is characterized by availability more 8500 glaciers – sources of fresh water and is considered the country providing water to downstream countries in the Central Asian Region. Therefore, Tajikistan imposed a responsibility to preserve and to prevent ingress of chemicals and radioactive elements in the river network of the region. This problem is solved by deploying network monitoring and indication elements and radionuclides;

Influence of the project on progress in the field. After full completion of the volume of works planned in the project will be deployed a network for registration of sources of radioactive cesium. Have developed the scientific basis for the determination of cesium in environmental components (soil, air, river water, flora and fauna), developed the recommendations to major organizations and departments on control of radioactive cesium by Express methods. A pilot model of fixation, control and migration of radioactive cesium for subsequent implementation in areas with high risk of radiation exposure and radioactive waste tailings is developed.

The project participant’s competence to the specified area. The employees of the project have a wide experience in researches of dosimetry and radioactivity, radioisotopes and chemical reaction for production of absorbents to accumulation of radionuclides.

Expected Results and Their Application

- deployment of monitoring network for detection and determination of the flow of radioactive cesium by atmospheric flows;
- development of Express methods of analysis of the content of radioactive cesium in soils, crops, livestock and livestock products;
- establishment of mechanisms of transformation of radioactive cesium on the circuit atmosphere - soil – agriculture crops – cattle’s - human body;
- development of technology of production of preparations on the basis of sorbents and gels for removing radioactive cesium from the body;
- determination of the regularities of the influence of meteorological conditions on the mechanisms of accumulation, distribution of radioactive cesium;
- on the basis of meteorological research to develop a method to identify sources of emission of radioactive cesium;- development of recommendations and guidance to certification bodies and medical institutions around the display and determining the content of radioactive cesium and remove them from the body.

Technical approach and methodology.The methodology of the project bases on close coordination of theoretical and experimental works, mathematical modeling and use of standard recommendations of the IAEA for carry out of dosimetry and radioactive measurements. The modern devices and techniques for analytical measurements and "blind" control of tests will used. The methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics will be applied to interpretation of results of measurements and for modeling original and commercial computer programs will be used.

Participating Institutions


Tajik Technical University named after M.S.Osimi (TTU)


University of Colorado / Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research