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Determining the Observation Possibility of Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Caused by Supersonic Flying Objects and Strong Shock Waves

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


The Project aim. Within the framework of this project it is planned to carry out theoretical and experimental research which main objective to reveal the main mechanism of generation of detected ultra-low frequency electromagnetic waves. It is also planned to develop and create an experimental prototype of multi-component system of a receiver, amplifier and analyzer, which would detect ultra-low frequency electromagnetic waves.
Current status. In recent studies the project participants indicated that shock waves in the atmosphere are generate electromagnetic waves in the range of from kHz to GHz frequencies. And in the latest published work shows that powerful shock waves (including objects flying at supersonic speed) in the atmosphere give rise to ultra-low frequency electromagnetic waves (1-5 kHz).
The project’ influence on progress in this area. If this project is successful finishing, we must be have an experimental prototype of multi-component system of a receiver, amplifier and analyzer, which would detect ultra-low frequency electromagnetic waves and this system can be using for receive dates which turn could be the basis for short-term forecasting natural disasters.
Expected results and their application. Based on the theoretical and experimental results, to develop and prepare the ULF electromagnetic waves receiver-amplifier-analyzer multi-device registration systems (MDRS) pilot prototype. Perform experimental measurements to determine the accuracy of the MDRS. Prepare two pilot prototype version of MDRS, stationary and portable. Stationery version of MDRS, after making, will be put on permanent registration with two receivers of ULF electromagnetic waves and acoustic waves. With the second of the MDRS (mobile) will be realized research works in the field of the studies of the impact of shock waves on the atmosphere.
Scope of activities. The following activities will be implemented under the Project:
Theoretical studies
Withdrawal of analytic solutions that will define created electromagnetic field tensions and Poynting vector by moving charged particles, on finite distance(<?), which will be used Maxwell's equations corresponding precise solutions. Perform analyze of the results of the numerical calculations for the flow of electromagnetic energy ("radiation") generated by the "fast" moving charged particle in a vacuum and the environment (eg, gas), taking into account dielectric loss of energy.
Experimental studies
Explor the shock wave accompanying electromagnetic radiation spectrum-angular distribution,
Using recorders installed at different distances from the source, to study the shock wave accompanying acoustic waves frequency and intensity dependence on the position of the source,
Combining the first and second research results, find out electromagnetic radiations the creation reasons.
Prepare two pilot prototype version of MDRS, stationary and portable. Stationery version of MDRS, after making, will be put on permanent registration with two receivers of ULF electromagnetic waves and acoustic waves. With the second of the MDRS (mobile) will be realized research works in the field of the studies of the impact of shock waves on the atmosphere.
the results.
Technical approach and methodology. Innovation of the Project, lies in the fact that simultaneously measured different types of waves, acoustic and electromagnetic, generated from the same source. The analysis of this measure allows you to determine causes of arise and propagation of these waves as well as the characteristics of the source (for example, the speed of movement, and so on). Our ground experiments, we have implemented and are going to implement by means of acoustic shock wave cannons of anti-hail stations.

Participating Institutions


Institute of Applied Problems of Physics (IAPP NAS RA)


Institute of Ionosphere


CNRS / Laboratoire de Physique et Chemie de L'Environnement (LPCE)


Pennsylvania State University (PennState)