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Creation and investigation of the new isotropic and graded electric conducting and magnetic polymer nanocomposites under conditions of mechanical, thermal, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 30 months


The Project aim. Creation and investigation of the new competitive electric conducting and magnetic isotropic and graded polymer nanocomposites at effect of mechanical, thermal, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields..
Current status. At the recent time the technical progress is closely associated with creation of new design materials on the basis of composites, the properties of which form by use skilful combination both of ingredients selection and the technological conditions of obtaining of these materials. The problem of widening of functionality, decreasing of specific weight and the cost are very important problem in the sphere of creation of new materials.

The project influence on progress in this area. Some of the participants of this project have established the conception about new structural state of the thermoplastic polymers –gradually oriented (stretched) state (GOS). Introduction of this concept in science, actually a new physical characteristic, gives new scientific and technological opportunities for regulation of electrical, magnetic and other properties of polymers/polymer composites. The project foresees the use of these innovations, which will enable to obtain advanced materials of new generation with predetermined gradient of electric and magnetic properties. The creation of such materials in the framework of the project, publication of the results of the project in the form of articles, inventions and scientific reports, will facilitate the implementation in polymer science scientific and technological innovations offered by us.

Creation of the new electrode materials with light weight, wide effective surface, low values of the overvoltage potential promotes in high extent the progress of electrochemical industry. Different forms (thread, textile, felt, powder, solids) and properties (steady state, porosity, electric conductivity) gives a possibility effectively use of them in the electrochemical processes instead of metals.

Investigation of the effect of external physical fields will allow to establish creation mode of materials abilities withstand extreme conditions.

Obtaining of the polymer composites with predetermined electric conducting and magnetic properties will promote to development of scientific - technical works in the sphere of creation of multi-functional electric engineering materials of new generation. Expected results and their application.

1) The establishment of general regularities of the charge transfer in polymer composites under conditions of variation of temperature and deformations in the large range. On the basis of theoretical approaches with using model experiments it will be solved the problem of the synergistic effect of nanopowder like fillers in the electric conducting polymer composites; Elaboration of technological methods with use of mechanical, thermal, electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields for obtaining of polymer composites with predominant electric conducting and magnetic properties.

2) The establishment of the general regularities of graded oriented state polymer composites. The influence of parameters of technological processes (value, rate and distribution of deformation, temperature, environment, the characteristics of polymers and fillers) on the electric and magnetic properties of the graded oriented films will be studied. The laboratory equipment of principally new construction will be worked out and prepared for realize various types of relative lengthening in polymeric matrix (linear, hyperbolic, sinusoidal, etc.).
3) Investigation of regularities of electrochemical processes in the carbon electrode materials. Now in result of the development of the technology of carbon materials it will be created electrode materials of new generation with improved and sometimes uncial properties. The properties (steady state, porosity, electric conductivity) gives a possibility effectively use of them in the electrochemical processes instead of metals.

4) On the basis of obtained new polymer composites it will be made the recommendations for perspective inculcations of them to the industry.Scope of activities.

- Manufacture of the isotropic electric conducting and magnetic (IPCs) and graded (GPCs) polymer nanocomposites without and with use of the external electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields;
- Modulation of electric and magnetic properties of IPCs and GPCs with use of infrared laser and gamma-irradiation;
- Investigation of the electric and magnetic parameters of the electric conducting and magnetic IPCs and GPCs in dependence of technological conditions in the wide ranges of external pressures (up to 10GPa) and temperatures (77-1500K);
- Creation and investigation of the electric conducting composites with regulated conductivity on the basis of pyrolyzed polymer composites;
- Establishment of the mechanism of conductivity of polymer composites on the basis of generalization of existed and obtained by us results.
Technical Approach and Methodology: - Creation of specimens: 1) hot pressing; 2) polymerization filling; 3) hardening of composites under influence of the shock waves, 4) extrusion, 5) laser, X-ray and gamma irradiations; 4) electrochemical method (rotating cathode method); 5) method of graded orientation of polymer composite films. - Creation of the electrode materials with method of high temperature pyrolysis and shock waves.
Methods of investigation: 1) Electro-physical methods of investigation of the electric conductivity and magnetism of composites; 2) Structural investigations: optical microscope, FTIR, EPR, NMR; 3) low temperature and high pressure techniques; 4) Thermal analysis with use DTA and DTG; 5) galvanostatic, potentiostatic and potentiodynamic methods for electrochemical investigations.

Participating Institutions


Institute of Machine Mechanics


Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology


Legal Entity of Public Law Institute of Cybernetics


University of North Texas


Polymer Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences