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Laser structures with controllable transversely distributed radiation in dye-doped liquid crystal and polymer layers for holographic displays

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


At present both old and modern methods of obtaining stereoscopic effects are considered for 3D display tasks. In particular, from the earliest methods auto stereoscopic raster methods, and also polarization methods are notable, those require using additional auxiliary equipment, passive and active, polarized glasses. From the modern achievements, volume so-called voxel displays, should be noted, when the image is formed by voxels- glowing dots within a certain volume. In all cases, obtained stereo image represents pseudo image, which perception is subjective and it is perceived by specific characteristics of human visual system, in particular, binocular vision and visual inertia .
Proposed project deals with the creation of laser active dynamic holographic structures for 3D displays. In particular, known holographic structures (generally holograms), represent passive devices, when image reconstruction takes place by diffraction of incident light wave.
laser active dynamic holographic structures are different because in this case, reconstruction of optical information takes place not as a result of diffraction of incident light wave, but it is carried out by laser radiation, generated by these strcuctures. Above mentioned result at first was received in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal laser layer DCM and Rhodamine 6G dye doped polyvinyl alcohol layer. Excitation of laser layer was conducted by optical pumping by using second harmonic of Nd3+:YAG laser (532 nm). The scheme of optical pumping represents holographic registration scheme, which provides transversely distributed excitation of laser layer. Accordingly laser-active structure was obtained, and light fields generated by it is similar to the wave front, reconstructed by elementary hologram.
Work envisages realization of spatial reconstruction of two-dimensional and three–dimensional objects by own laser radiation of day doped layers.
The project proposed by us overall implies development of the display model, that represents controlled laser structure and at the same time dynamic hologram, which creates spatial image based on own coherent radiation. At the given stage of the works controllable, spatially modulated, coherent, laser radiation will be developed in dye-doped liquid crystal and polymer layers by optical pumping. The principle will be shown, that creates real prospects in future for 3D displays based on semiconducting laser structures .

Participating Institutions


Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology


San Diego State University