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Bioindication of solar and geomagnetic disturbances and prognosis of the risk of cardiovascular events

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 30 months


Project aim. Within the framework of this project, we plan to assess the influence of solar and geomagnetic disturbances on human health, with focus on the cardiovascular system.

Current status. Living organisms have always had to adapt to the environment. In addition to light and temperature fluctuations, solar and geodynamic disturbances influence them. Periodicities synchronized to the cycles of space and Earth's weather were identified in the biosphere. Widely known researchers studied the effect of solar activity and magnetic storms on various aspects of human physiology, including the cardiovascular system. Geographical differences have been noted, both in terms of the impact of geomagnetic storms and their effect on biota. Almaty, the largest metropolis in Central Asia, located in the foothills of an earthquake-prone area, is strongly influenced by solar magnetic storms, and the effect of the geomagnetic field is more pronounced in connection with periodic seismic activity. American and Japanese researchers have studied the impact of earthquakes and seismic activity on the cardiovascular system of cardiac patients, but in our region, such data are completely absent.

The project’s influence on progress in this area. New data about the influence of physical environmental factors in seismic and foothill areas on chronobiologic characteristics of the cardiovascular system are to be obtained. These data can serve for long-term strategies for the treatment of patients with chronic cardiovascular disease. The ability to use patients' biological rhythms for seismographic forecasting will be explored.

The participants’ expertise. The scientists taking part in the project have considerable experience in chronobiology, the study of biological rhythms, in cardiovascular monitoring, and in the study of heliomagnetic effects on human pathyphysiology, as evidenced by their publications and participation in international conferences. This information is available on the Internet website (project manager: http://pps.kaznu.kz/ru/Main/Silence/77/123/997). Cardiologists included in the study group have extensive experience in cardiac care and clinical research, prognostic and assessment of risks of cardiovascular pathologies.

Scope of activities. The following activities will be implemented under the project:

- Arterial blood pressure, ECG and motion activity will be monitored in people from Almaty

- Various living organisms will be monitored to seek earthquake bioindicators
- The time structure of solar activity, geomagnetic activity and physiological variables will be assessed by spectral analysis
- Associations between solar activity, geomagnetic activity and biological variables will be determined by cross-correlation analysis
- Physiological variables will be analyzed and interpreted chronobiologically for cardiovascular disease risk assessment
- Forecasting risk increase of cardiovascular pathologies on the basis of established rhythms and correlations with geo- and solar magnetic variability
- On that basis, develop long-term care policies for chronically ill cardiac patients.
- Development of guidelines and a training manual for physicians.
- Development of educational elective course for university students.
Role of Foreign Collaborators/Partners. A group of scientists led by Dr. Germaine Cornelissen Guillaume (University of Minnesota) agreed to collaborate on this project. This team shares scientific interests which include the prediction and prevention of cardiovascular disease risk, and how human health may be influenced by space weather. A letter from Dr. Cornelissen of February 10, 2016, states her readiness to collaborate with Professor Gumarova and her team.

Technical approach and methodology. The main innovation of the proposed project consists of seeking biological indicators to forecast earthquakes based on the influence of solar magnetic storms and geomagnetic disturbances in the seismically active area of ??Almaty, the largest metropolis in Central Asia. In addition, the project aims at optimizing personalized chronomedicine by taking into account the effect of physical environmental factors on physiological variables to be monitored around the clock. Furthermore, a long-term strategy of therapy will be created, with certain intervals with a favorable prognosis for the possibility of a temporary dose reduction or withdrawal of drugs, which is important for chronic patients with hypertension.