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International (Kyrgyz-Tajik-Afghan) mapping of the radioecological situation by the results of research of radon and other radioactive isotopes in the upper reaches of the Amur Darya and Syr Darya rivers (mountain ranges of the Tian- Shan and Pamir mountains, the northern spurs of the Himalayas). Part 1: Radioecological mapping of the upper reaches of the Syr Darya (Central Tian- Shan

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


Purpose: To monitor the radiation safety of mountain ecosystems of the Tian Shan and Pamir, a human and an inventory of radiation safety areas on the concentration of the radon, radon isotopes and other radioactive isotopes in air, soil, water sources and mountain ranges in the countries: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan. This project is part of a regional project and is dedicated to the study of radioecological situation in the upper reaches of the transboundary river Amur Darya and the Syr Darya in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan.
The mountain regions of Central Asia share many common features: the south inland position, arid climate, and young mountainous terrain, large absolute and relative heights of the mountains, tectonic and seismic activity, relief and bioclimatic conditions. In the depths of the mountains of Central Asia are a high concentration of a variety of minerals (U, Th, Pb, Zn, W, Hg, Cb, Mo, Au, Ag Fe and others), thermal and mineral springs. The similarities of the mountain ranges of "Pamir" in Tajikistan and Afghanistan and "Tian-Shan" in Kyrgyzstan are often combined into one mountain system as "Pamir-Tian Shan".
Areas of the proposed study are mountain, most areas are relatively young mountains of ongoing and on its surface (in caves, deep gorges, ravines, natural depressions, water sources, rivers and others), it is accumulating emanation Radon-222, together with radon isotopes and other radionuclides creates natural background radiation detrimental effect on animals, flora and man, as well as in the mountain system has no natural uranium biogeochemical province (for example, Issyk-Kul, Mailu-Suu, where previously mined radionuclides). In the mountainous areas, due to natural circumstances, habitability, and life of the population is considered to be the gorge, ravine, mountains and rocks, the place is not convenient from the viewpoint of radiation safety.
· Research measuring the concentration of radon, isotopes of radon and other radionuclides in the environment. Develop the methods of research and study of current regulations, state standards and norms of the IAEA.
· Reconnaissance of the researching areas based on the results of preliminary measurement of background radiation (gamma survey method), determination of localities with high radiation, comparing those using GPS and GIS systems.
· Measure the concentration of radon in air, soil, water directly in the villages near the mountain gorges (cellars, utility room in the lower floors of living rooms, etc.) and life of (workplace, cultural institutions, kindergartens, schools and others) population. Sampling of air, soil, vegetation and water for gamma spectrometric researches.
· Monitor the seasonal variations of radon in the air, soil, water directly to the places of residence of the population and around them and identify their dependence on weather and climate conditions.
· Do gamma spectrometric analysis of samples which were taken from the surface of the soil, vegetation and water to see the concentration of the isotopes of radon and other radioisotopes in the laboratory.
· Identify the places with high concentration of radon, isotopes of radon and other radionuclides in the investigation areas.
· Compose an inventory of radiation safety of the mountain areas in Central Tian- Shan and preparation of a radioecological map.
· Research the local natural resources using as raw material for the production of building materials (cement, alabaster, marble, gravel, bricks, etc.) to determine the concentration of radioisotopes and radio-ecological security.
· Make the recommendations on the possibility of using local natural resources, for use as a raw material in the production of building materials taking into account the approved regulations.
· Validation of the results in scientific journals and forums.
· Coordination of research and results with colleagues from Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and collaborators. To organize the seminars, study and training. To check the samples and the data. To exchange with information on radio-ecological situation in the border areas.
· In the BPI National Academy of Sciences of Biogeochemistry and radioecology laboratories will be created the conditions for self-supporting laboratory for analysis and monitoring of the radiation safety of the mountains. For additional equipment it needs technical and methodological support from the IAEA.
· In the future, the laboratory staff using the commercialization of the equipment and results will be able to monitor the radiation areas, residential and non-residential housing commissioned by individuals and businesses as well as building materials.
· According to the results of radiometric researches directly on the place of residence and life of the population and gamma spectrometric investigations of the samples in the laboratory will identify areas with high background radiation (radio-ecological map), representing a danger for the living and livelihoods.
· As a result of the research will be obtained statistics on the dynamics of the seasonal variations of the radiation on local communities.
· According to the results of research will be composed an inventory of radiation safety in the upper reaches of transboundary rivers Amur Darya in the border areas of Tajikistan and Afghanistan.
· As a result of the research will be developed specific guidelines and outlines measures aimed at improving radiation safety measures for the population living in hazardous areas.
· According to the results of research will be developed recommendations on the possibility of using local natural resources for their use as raw materials for production of building materials to meet the requirements of existing regulations and the standards of the state, as well as the IAEA.
· The results of the research can be used in related areas of science - geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, construction, health and in the field of environmental protection and other public agencies (Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, and others.).

Participating Institutions



Institute of Biology and Pedology


Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov (IGU)


Wismuth GmbH


US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)