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“Study of the epizootic situation of echinococcosis, development and production of echin-allergen and its application for diagnosis of echinococcosis of animals in Central and Middle Asia countries”

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


Researchers of the Department of Biotechnology of the Veterinary Institute of TAAS conducted the elaboration of diagnostic product of echin-allergen to identify animals infected with echinococcosis. Our scientists proposed unique method of using echin-allergen for diagnosis of echinococcosis in cattle, therefore necessary financing and implementation of equipment for organization of production.
Elaborated by us echin-allergen can be used in farms and settlements of central Asian countries (in Republic of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) and Mongolia, where in farm animals were marked sensitization of the organism with echinococcosis.
In sensitized with echinococcosis farm animals has been successfully used, elaborated experimental series of echin-allergen. Veterinary experts of livestock farms will be able to implement echin-allergen in farms and settlements. The use of diagnostic echin-allergen also will help to identify infected animals and to put on - an in vivo diagnosis of echinococcosis.
Echinococcus are widespread in the environment. Currently in central Asian countries and Mongolia there are no in vivo diagnosis of echinococcosis in farm animals. In advantaged farms for tuberculosis, very often recorded nonspecific allergic reactions to PPD tuberculin (PPD-purified protein derivative). These reactions are in most cases are due to the presence of echinococcus which cause sensitization of the animal’s organism to tuberculin. Such reactions occur long time, acquiring a stationary character. Assessment of epidemic situation of tuberculosis in these farms becomes difficult and the method systematic diagnostic researches, usually can not reach the termination reactions in the herd, and the establishment of the true nature of these reactions. Furthermore, the presence of non-specific allergic reactions requires the fulfillment of a large volume of work that is accompanied by significant material costs. It is possible that healthy animals are infected again with echinococcosis. Its use in such settlements and farms can prevent unjustified slaughter of tuberculin sensitive highly productive animals, free from tuberculosis and protect the farm from infection and to identify infected animals with echinococcosis.
In a result activities will be elaborate a unique modern method of in vivo diagnosis of echinococcosis. Also elaborated normative documents contribute to the prevention and control of echinococcosis.
Will be elaborated echin-allergen and create mini plant for production of given preparation for subsequent widespread introduction of in vivo studies of echinococcosis in central Asian countries (Republic of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) and Mongolia.
Mini plant for production diagnosticum echin-allergen will be located in the laboratory of the Department of Biotechnology VI TAAS. According to the objectives of the Project will be carried out the purchase and installation of equipment of technological line of mini plant. The planned volume of production 100000 doses per year. Echin-allergen will be produced by the elaborated technology of VI TAAS. The first batches of echin-allergen scheduled to release in the second year of the Project. Echin-allergen will be filled into glass vials or ampoules, 10 doses. The temperature conditions of storage of finished products is 0 ± 50C.

Participating Institutions


Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the Mongolian University of Natural Sciences


Kyrgyz Research Institute of Veterinary named after A.Duysheev (KRIV)


University of Zürich


The University of Georgia / College of Veterinary Medicine


Universitat Hohenheim