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Pests and diseases of potato in the conditions of climate change in Central Asia

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


The purpose of the project: The purpose of the given project is to study the impact of , high concentrations of CO2 and their interaction with heat, water scarcity, atmospheric and soil drought on development of potato pests and diseases, identify their adaptive capacity to global warming climate and the development of recommendations to reduce the negative impact on their potato plants.

In republic Central Asia has not conducted a detailed study of the effect of greenhouse CO2 on physiological and biochemical parameters of potato plants, in particular, their interaction with stress factors such as high temperature, concentrations of CO2, water deficit, the atmospheric and soil drought. Do not study the effect of the above factors on pests and diseases, the yield potato and its qualitative characteristics (starch, cellulose, protein).

The proposed project will to contribute to the solution important for our country of tasks, which concern to problems of protection of environment and food safety. During performance of the project is planned: to study impact of high concentrations of CO2 and their interaction with heat, water scarcity, atmospheric and soil drought on development of potato pests and diseases, and on productivity and quality it tubers.

The project participants are experts in the study of physiology and biochemistry of plants, and modeling the factors on plants and have sufficient experience in dealing with fundamental and applied importance. The practical value of the project is that it will be the influence of different concentrations of CO2, heat, water deficit, atmospheric and soil drought on growth, on development of potato pests and diseases and yield formation of potato. Particular attention will be paid to the biochemical quality of potato tubers.

The offered project answers the purposes ITSI for realization of reorientation of the weapon scientist’s peace activity and their integration in the international scientific community.
Volume of carried out jobs under the project is designed for three years (36 months) with use of modern methods, application of computer engineering for realization of theoretical accounts, processing and analysis of experimental data. In successful performance of the project, its examination, estimation of quality and results of job, realization of technological aspects of a problem, the important role belongs to foreign collaborators, which participation creates favorable facilities for qualitative and timely implementation of the project.

Participating Institutions


Innovative Center of Phytotechnology



L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University


California Department of Food and Agriculture Plant Pest Diagnostic Center