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The study of ovarian folliculogenesis in the progeny of rats when exposed to dust - salt aerosol of the Aral Sea.

Project Status: 3 Approved without Funding
Duration in months: 36 months


Objective of the project. To study the mechanisms of ovarian folliculogenesis violation and genomic instability during intoxication by dust and salt aerosols of Aral Sea in rats and their progeny.
The state of affairs in the field of research. One of the environmental problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the shallowing of the Aral Sea due to irrational use of water resources of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers. At present, the Aral crisis is a global environmental problem. Extreme ecological situation in the Aral region crisis caused by a massive long-term chemical pollution of the territory with the high doses of pesticides and herbicides and discharge of industrial waste containing heavy metals in the rivers feeding the Aral Sea. In the world literature there are data on the effect of the Aral Sea salt dust and aerosols to the male and female reproductive systems and on the human body as a whole. However, no studies on the effect of salt dust aerosol inhalations on the processes of ovarian folliculogenesis and the impact of these toxicants on future offspring and their reproductive function were found.
The impact of the proposed project on the progress in this field. In the case of successful completion of the planned experiments, we will contribute to understanding of the basic laws of the changes of gene indicators of women's reproductive status caused by intoxication of the population by Aral Sea dust and salt spray and its effect on the progeny.
The competence of the participants of the project in this area. Employees of KSMU research groups, participating in the project, have extensive experience in the study of environmental and reproductive problems at the molecular genetic level, which is confirmed by the available publications and presentations at international conferences, which are available on the website of the organization "http: / / www.kgmu.kz ". Other organizations have attracted achievements and have repeatedly proven the methodology for assessing risks, have experience in environmental monitoring and environmental impact assessment, evaluation of population health. Manager responsible executors of the project are the experts in the field of clinical practice, molecular cell research, immunology, gynecology, infectious diseases and epidemiology. The staff members - project executors- have proper research experience in the field of clinical medicine, biochemistry, molecular and cellular studies, histology, human ecology.
Expected results and their use. As a result of the project, a major step will be made in the study of the influence of dust and salt aerosols on the human body and offspring. The results of experimental studies will set the mutagenic effects of dust and salt aerosols Aral Sea to the process of ovarian folliculogenesis in rats and their offspring during inhalation toxicity; to study the genomic instability at chromosomal level during inhalation toxicity of dust and salt spray of the Aral Sea in rats and their offspring; to examine the mutagenic effect at the cellular level, with the inhalation toxicity of dust and salt spray of the Aral Sea in rats and their offspring; to examine the mutagenic effect on p53 protein level in the inhalation toxicity of dust and salt spray of the Aral Sea in rats and their offspring. The working hypothesis, revealing the disorders of oogenesis patterns and genomic instability related to inhalation toxicity of dust and salt aerosols Aral Sea will be developed.
Data on the volume of work.
The following work tasks will be performed during the project:
• Determination of the chemical composition of the Aral Sea salt dust and aerosols by atomic absorption spectrometry
• Calculation of the dose for inhalation seed experimental animals based on hygienic standards for atmospheric air in urban and rural areas in the Republic of Kazakhstan
• Carrying out the experiments in compliance with all regulations
• Identification of oxidative stress markers in blood of experimental animals exposed to dust and salt spray of the Aral Sea.
• Investigation of the mutagenic effect of dust and salt aerosols to ovarian folliculogenesis during inhalation toxicity in rats and their offspring.
• Analyzing the genomic instability at the chromosomal level caused by inhalation of dust and salt aerosols Aral Sea in rats and their offspring
• Study of the mutagenic effect of inhalation of dust and salt aerosols Aral Sea at cellular level in female rats and their offspring
• Study of mutagenic effects of inhalation of dust and salt aerosols Aral Sea on p53 protein blood level in female rats and their offspring
• Developing of working hypothesis, revealing disorders of oogenesis patterns and genomic instability caused by inhalation of dust of the Aral Sea salt aerosols
• Calculation of the estimated projections for the population of the Aral region
• Presenting the results to the international scientific community.
Technical approach and methodology. The main innovation in the conduct of the work is using of molecular genetics and cytological approaches by sharing equipment of the laboratory of the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics of Karaganda State Medical University, as well as histological equipment and equipment for HPLC Collective Use Center and Research Laboratories, Department of Ecology, Biochemistry and biotechnology

Participating Institutions


UMR Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements