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Yuri Gagarin- 50 years


Text by Adriaan van der Meer - ISTC Executive Director

12 April 2011 is an important day for mankind. It was 50 years ago that Yuri Gagarin made the first orbital spaceflight around the earth. Looking through the now available historical material it became even clearer how much courage Major Gagarin had in making his space journey. This journey was an inspiration for scientists, engineers and in particular for young people.

Since this historical flight further exploration of space has led to a whole range of technological developments and innovations. Our current GPS navigation system is for example a spin-off from work in the space industry. The expansion of knowledge in the field of space discovery during the past 50 years has been incredible.

Now 50 years later international cooperation including joint training in the area of space discovery is probably the best developed field of scientific and technological cooperation. All those directly involved realize that this is a global issue and only by working together can progress be made. Commercial space flights are at our doorstep.

ISTC has been active in this area with projects totaling over a 100 million USD. New projects are being planned, for example to observe the developments on earth from space for the early detection of earthquakes. I also expect that follow-up will be given to the successful ISTC workshop on the ever growing problem of space debris. I am proud that ISTC is playing such an active role in this field bringing the best expertise together worldwide. I encourage all those directly involved to continue this work. 

I kindly invite you to watch some of the Gagarin anniversary programs such as a special film made simulating the first orbit by man. It shows exactly what Gagarin would have seen during his flight; something that no human being ever seen before. The film lasts 108 minutes, which was the exact duration of the flight (see www.firstorbit.org or www.yurigagarin50.org for more general information). The film will be shown on various international TV channels on 12 April. A trailer is already available.

I am proud that ISTC has been involved in sponsoring some of the celebratory events.

Adriaan van der Meer