Welcome to Science and Technology in Society Meeting (STS Forum)

We are proud to announce that the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) will support young scientists in the Science and Technology in Society Meeting or STS Forum. The STS Forum provides a new mechanism for open, informal discussions and builds a human network that, in time, resolves emerging challenges stemming from the application of new science and technology (https://www.stsforum.org/). The Forum community explores opportunities arising from science and technology and addresses the removal of barriers by using science and technology to solve problems facing humankind. The Forum will also provide a valuable opportunity through the Young Leaders Program for young scientists to talk with Nobel laureates.
In 2023 ISTC will support the participation of three young scientists from Kazakhstan, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.
Candidates must meet the following profile:
• Professors, researchers, engineers, government officials and business leaders;
• English-language skills are a requirement;
• Strong leadership skills to play central roles in research and business;
• 40 years of age or younger as of October 1, 2023;
• A Ph.D., MD, or equivalent degree for participants from academia in general or a research institute in particular;
• Have not participated in past STS Forum, Future/Young Leaders Programs;
• Available to attend the Young Leaders Program on 30 September 2023 and the entire program of the 20 Annual Meeting from 1 October to 3 October 2023.
CV deadline submission to the ISTC is 15 May 2023.
The STS Forum secretary in Japan will finally decide on participants after their screening process. When the selection procedure is complete, we will email qualified candidates invitations and include registration information and other details.
Please send your application to Aizada Turekulova (turekulova@istc.int)