Uzbekistan's PRECA National Training Workshop on Chemical Safety on 4-5 September 2023 in Tashkent

The National Training on "Preparedness and Response to Chemical Incidents during Mass Events" took place in Tashkent on 4-5 September 2023. Organized as part of the P87 PRECA project, this event brought together 27 dedicated toxicologists from across Uzbekistan's 12 regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The training was conducted under the guidance of national trainers from the Uzbekistan Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Aid and was mentored by PRECA Chemical Safety expert Ms. Raquel Duarte-Davidson.
The primary objective of this event was to learn international expertise in the field of ensuring chemical safety during mass gatherings. Delegates had the opportunity to practice on "TOXBASE", UK poisons information database, a valuable resource for toxicologists.
Over the course of two intensive days, participants engaged in a comprehensive curriculum, which included “Introduction to Chemical Incident Response”, “Introduction to poisons information centers and their role in dealing with chemical incidents”, “Chemical risk assessment, Risk management and communication”.
The interactive nature of the training fostered a collaborative spirit among attendees, allowing for the exchange of experiences and the formation of a supportive network of experts.
Chemical incidents during mass events can pose grave threats to public health and safety. Uzbekistan's proactive stance in addressing these challenges is a testament to its commitment to safeguarding its citizens during large-scale gatherings.