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The ISTC, the European Union and the Tajik Biological Defense Association organized CBRN workshop


On February 28 and 29, the ISTC, the European Union and the Tajik Biological Defense Association – the TBDA – organized and financially supported a workshop at the Academy of Public Administration in Dushanbe under the President of Tajikistan. The workshop was focused on raising awareness and education of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats within a broader culture of international security. The workshop assembled TBDA staff, leading faculty and scientists from the Law and Economics Departments of the Academy of Public Administration, specialists from the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and ISTC’s office director in Dushanbe.

Participants discussed knowledge of various international threats, especially CBRN weapons proliferation as well as Tajikistan’s management and regulation of the educational process. An adapted course from the workshop was designed as an awareness-raising and educational program on CBRN threats for Tajikistan's public administration specialists, attorneys, economists and business professionals at the Academy of Public Administration. Advancing the education course and accompanying training will allow Tajikistan to strengthen control over sensitive industries and minimize CBRN threats. The Dushanbe workshop resulted in six tangible accomplishments: Recognizing the ISTC project titled, "Organizational and Legal Education of Tajikistan's Public Administration Professionals on CBRN Threats" as impactful and successful; creating a working group to develop a CBRN Threats Training and Methodological Complex in the Tajik and Russian languages; sharing international experience on CBRN threats; continuing ongoing work on CBRN threat education among the general population and national and local government authorities; developing a comprehensive ISTC-funded project proposal for implementing public awareness aimed at national and local governments and the general public; and, proposing support and funding from the ISTC to research and analyze CBRN threat awareness and security measures among the Tajikistani general public.