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The ISTC signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Georgian National Science Foundation (GNSF).


Memorandum of Cooperation between ISTC and Georgian National Science Foundation

On June 28, 2007, the ISTC signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Georgian National Science Foundation (GNSF). GNSF supports the implementation of research and innovation projects and the development of international collaboration involving Georgian scientists. In their Memorandum, ISTC and GNSF agreed to pursue opportunities for co-funding activities, consistent with the mandate of both organizations, on the basis of transparent and fair competition.

Through their collaboration, ISTC and GNSF plan to support scientific and nonproliferation objectives through the implementation of new funding strategies for sustainable development of Georgian science and technology and support for innovation programs and projects. As a first step, the two sides are discussing a possible call for proposals which might be issued in the fall timeframe.

ISTC Executive Director, Norbert Jousten, and Mrs. Natia Jokhadze, Acting Director, Georgian National Science Foundation, sign the Memorandum of Cooperation.