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The Hyperloop One project was presented in Astana for the first time


The International Science and Technology Center held a conference on 14 June, 2017 on the theme "Energy and Technologies of the Future" in the framework of ISTC Special Day in Astana. Scientists and representatives from more than 30 countries of the world gathered in the capital of Kazakhstan to discuss new technologies developing in the world.

More than 200 representatives of state bodies and organizations, embassies, partner organizations of the ISTC participated in the conference. The event presented the results of the work and achievements of the center in the field of sustainable development, as well as discussed global trends and prospects for the development of technologies and energy systems of the future.

Aslanbek Amrin, vice-minister of the Ministry of Education and Science opened the conference with a report about the key priorities of the science development in Kazakhstan: transparency, commercialization and international cooperation. In addition, Mr. Amrin told that recently the new scientific and technical commission adopted a new direction - national security and defense. This will help government develop and implement new projects together with the ISTC.

On the Expo site, the ISTC has its own pavilion. There you can learn about the best energy projects developed under the support of ISTC. The pavilion presents scientific projects developed in Kazakhstan by the researchers from the Institute of combustion problems. Presented projects are the high-technology advances, which in the future can be commercialized. Aidyn Turebayev, deputy executive director of ISTC, mentioned that these projects have the potential to have the significant role in the economy.

In the conference Colin Rhys, creative director of the Hyperloop One project (ultra-high-speed vacuum train), presented his work on the new technologies in the field of transport and transportations. Colin Rhys talked about “transport transformation” and perception of the future energy as a form of technology and strategy. “We develop the system where by using a special pipe and eliminating pressure inside it, transportation of people and goods can be performed at incredibly high speeds, approximately 1200 km/h. In this way, we reduce time and distance effectively. Now trips that took days take hours. Trips that took hours take minutes”, - said Colin Rhys. According to the plans, the first Hyperloop One will start functioning in Dubai in 2021 allowing fast transportation between emirates of United Arab Emirates. The idea of Hyperloop One belongs to the inventor of Tesla car – Elon Musk.

At the conference, many experts in the field of energy and future technologies presented their ideas and works. Dr. Rae Kwon Chung, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2007, gave his presentation on “Paradigm shift for green growth”. Dr. Yasukuni Okubo, technical adviser of the Japanese space systems company, presented the audience “Challenges of local use of renewable energy activating local economy in Japan”. Dr. Sri Prakash, distinguished fellow in the Energy and Resources Institute, talked about "Sustainable transport technologies of the future in the developing countries".

ISTC Special Day was held in the framework of the International Exhibition "Astana EXPO-2017" with the support of JSC National Company "Astana EXPO-2017".