The Governing Board of the ISTC held its 46th meeting in Moscow

The Governing Board of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) held its 46th meeting in Moscow, Russian Federation.
Representatives of ISTC Parties attended, including Canada, the European Union, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United States of America, Norway, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrghyzstan and Republic of Tajikistan. Belarus participated as rotating CIS Board member.
The Board agreed to the appointment of a new EU Governing Board Member of ISTC from 1 August 2008 Ms. Anneli Pauli, Deputy Director General for the Development of the European Research Area of European Commission. She will replace Mr. Zoran Stancic. The Board thanked Mr. Zoran Stancic for his valuable contribution to the work of ISTC.
It acknowledged the excellent work of the previous Executive Director Mr. Norbert Jousten. Mr. Sergey Vorobiev was thanked for acting as interim Executive Director in the beginning of 2008. It welcomed Mr. Adriaan van der Meer as new Executive Director. It also welcomed Mr. Jun.Sugimoto as new Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
The Board welcomed the new Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Yasuhiro Yukimatsu, on behalf of Japan.
The Board approved the extension of the contract of Prof. Dr. Waclaw Gudowski, Deputy Executive Director on behalf of the EU with a year.
The Governing Board approved the final Project Funding Worksheet (FS46). The ISTC approved 18 new projects representing over $766K and € 3,174K in new funding for activities in Russia, Tajikistan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan and Kyrgyz Republic. The Governing Board set the deadline for project proposals submission to the next Funding Session (FS47) on 1 October 2008.
The Governing Board decided to fund the sustainability plan for the Khlopin Radium Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia as a pilot project and a budget of 500 000 USD will be made available for the implementation of this plan.
The Governing Board had an exchange of views on the export control mechanism and the ISTC Definition of “End User” to be applied to ISTC projects. ISTC will act in full compliance with the domestic and international obligations in this field. The Governing Board asked the Secretariat to jointly work with the Russian Party to follow-up document “ISTC Definition of “End User” (GB-46-104) taking into account the recent information and comments made during the meeting.
The Governing Board approved the general revision of the ISTC Project daily rates as outlined in document GB-46-105 rev.1. The new daily rates will apply to project proposals funded after the 46th Governing Board decision.
The Board approved the revised procurement rules and invited the Secretariat to apply these new rules for the procurement of equipment, materials and services from 1August 2008.
The Governing Board agreed to convene the next Board Meeting 11 December, 2008 in Moscow, Russian Federation.