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The Governing Board of the International Science and Technology Center held its 47th Meeting in Moscow


Moscow, Russian Federation
11 December 2008


The Governing Board of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) held its 47th meeting in Moscow, Russian Federation.

Representatives of various ISTC Parties attended the meeting, including Canada, the European Union, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United States of America, Norway, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan. Belarus participated as rotating CIS Board member.

The Board welcomed Mrs Anneli Pauli as new Board Member of ISTC on behalf of the European Commission. The Board thanked Mr Zoran Stancic for his valuable contribution to the work of ISTC.

The Board approved the nomination of Mr. Michael Einik as Deputy Executive Director in charge of the Partnering and Sustainability Department of ISTC upon approval of the Russian party. The Board thanked Mr. Nikolai Kazak from Belarus for his valuable contribution to the work of Governing Board of ISTC in his function as a rotating Board Member. From 1 January 2009 Mrs. Sharipa Jorobekova on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic will take this position.

The Governing Board approved the final Project Funding Worksheet (FS47). The ISTC approved 19 new projects representing over $1.62 M and €3.86 M in new funding for activities in Russia, Tajikistan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic.
The Governing Board set the deadline for project proposals submission to the next Funding Session (FS48) on 30 January 2009.

The ISTC Governing Board members recognized the success of the ISTC’s initial mission of providing economic support for the scientific community during the transition from the former Soviet Union. Further, the ISTC Governing Board members decided to take measures through joint efforts to transform the ISTC into a smaller, more efficient organization that achieves our shared global goal of cooperation on science and technology, including in the area of nonproliferation. It will continue the discussion at the next Board meeting in March 2009. 

It welcomed the proposals made by the Secretariat to adapt the existing working methods of ISTC to the evolving situation in the recipient countries. These proposals relate to the implementation of a programmatic approach, the possibility to introduce co-financing mechanisms, to explore ways to attract additional funding sources for ISTC, models of more efficient project proposal processing and ways to improve the external communication of ISTC. It invited the Secretariat to continue to discuss the various proposals mentioned in the document (GB-47-112) with various interlocutors. It asked for a progress report to be discussed at the next meeting.

The Board noted the initiatives taken by the Secretariat to arrange co-funding of programs and/ or projects by the recipient countries and other private and public partners. It asked the Secretariat to further pursue the discussion on this matter with all relevant individual countries and other interested parties. It underlined the importance of having the co-financing arrangements in place as soon as possible.

The Governing Board approved the FY2009 administrative operational budget AOB, all the FY2009 supplemental budget SB programs’ activity plans, overall budget amounts, and individual contributions by each funding party

The Board noted the initiatives taken by the parties and the Secretariat on the clarification of the future taxation status of ISTC under Russian national legislation. It will continue to pursue this matter that is of high relevance for the functioning of ISTC. The Board is of the opinion that the current legal framework of ISTC exempts the Center including the recipients of funds provided by the Center of paying taxes. 

It thanked the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for the valuable advice on Sustainability Plans given.

The Governing Board adopted the Sustainability Plans of:
- Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE); Obninsk, Russia
- Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) in National Nuclear Center, Kazakhstan
- Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (BIC); Novosibirsk, Russia
- Research Institute of Pulse Technique (NIIIT)
- Institute of Immunological Engineering (IIE) in Lyubachannyi
A letter of intent for the future funding of the Sustainability Plans was signed by Funding Parties.

It asked the Secretariat to continue work on the sustainability plans for:
- Siberian Chemical Combine in Seversk;
- Former Pavlodar Chemical Plant (“Caustik”), Kazakhstan
- State Scientific Research Institute for Organic Chemistry and Technology (GosNIIOKhT) and its Shikany branch (GITOS)

Innovation Initiative 152 will implement the revised Sustainability plan for the Institute for Power and Engineering named after A.I. Leypunsky (IPPE). This project with an amount of $580,000 will be used for the reconstruction of production premises of radioisotopes for medical applications to GMP certification standards. IPPE will provide $100,000 and that 3 private companies will co-fund the project with an amount of $270,000. 

The Governing Board decided on an implementation plan for the drug design and development targeted initiative. It noted that the content of this plan is based on a wide consultation process inter alia with the State Duma, Ministries and Agencies of the Russian Federation. The activities in this area cover the financing of projects related to design, synthesis and primary investigations; development of production technology and upgrading of infrastructure. A phased approach will be applied. The Secretariat will further explain the content of the targeted initiative to interested organizations also in view of attracting co-funding for projects. 

The Governing Board welcomed the Science & Technology in Support of a Counter Bio-Terrorism Targeted Initiative. Its objectives are to develop projects with the aim of developing new techniques and technologies for the rapid detection and diagnosis of a defined list of highly dangerous microorganisms; to develop projects with the focus on the G8 priority of protecting food supplies and to develop project assisting in the development of adequate emergency planning, reporting, first response, and epidemiological analysis. The targeted initiative will be implemented through further consultation with interested organizations and agencies in order to further discuss the objectives and funding possibilities. 

The Governing Board agreed to convene the next Plenary Session on 24/26March 2009 in Moscow.

List of funded projects:

Project No.
Short title
Full title
Separator for Fuel Cells
Development of an Integrated Separator for Direct Reforming of Hydrocarbons in High-Temperature Fuel Cells
Wide-Band Semiconductor Detectors
Neutron Detectors Based on III-Nitride Semiconductors
Accelerating Section for Linac4
Development, Manufacture and Experimental Investigation of a Unique Pilot CCDTL Accelerating Section in the Energy Range of 50-100 MeV for the New Accelerator Linac4
Biomimetics for Detection of Air Pollutants
Intelligent Multifunctional Biomimetics for Optical Nanodevices: New Materials for Environment Protection
Calcium Molybdate for Low Background Beta Spectrometry
First Growth of the CaMoO4 Crystal with Mo-100 for Double Beta Decay Search in YangYang Underground Laboratory
Small Capacity Fuel Cells
Environmentally Friendly Small Capacity Power Plants Based on Fuel Cells for Stationary Application
Stomach Cancer Early Diagnosis
2D proteomic Expression Analysis of Human Stomach Cancer: Selection of Serum Markers for Diagnosis and Prognosis
Modeling of Photosynthesis on the Basis of Supramolecular Systems
Modeling of Primary Stages of Photosynthesis on the Basis of Nano-Sized Supramolecular Systems
Monitoring of Blood-Sucking Flies
Molecular Genetic Monitoring of Blood-Sucking Flies (Diptera) as a Basis for Biological Control of Vectors of Dangerous Infectious Diseases and Precautions Against the Acts of Biological Terrorism
Potential Active Amino Acids and Peptides
The Synthesis of Potential Biologically Active Heterocycle Substituted a-Amino Acids and Peptides. Investigation of their Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antitumor Properties
Transparent Conductive Nanomaterials for Solar Cell
Nanotubes / Diamond Like Carbon Xomposite Transparent Conductive Material for Solar Cell and Conductive Coating Applications
Continuous Wave Laser with Intracavity Conversion
Continuous-Wave All-Solid-State End-Diode-Pumped Lasers with Intracavity Raman Conversion
Ovarian Cancer Angiogenesis
Studying Ovarian Cancer Angiogenesis for Advancing Diagnosis and Treatment of the Fifths Leading Cause of Death in Women
Combination of Bacteriophages and Probiotics against Diarrhea
Bacteriophages and Probiotics Combined Preparation for Treatment and Prophylactic of Diarrheal Diseases
Tokamak Divertor on the Base of Lithium
Development and Manufacturing of Demonstration Models of KTM Tokamak Divertor In-Vessel Plasma Facing Elements on the Base of Liquid Lithium
Sliding Phenomena in High-Mountain Conditions
Prediction of the Sliding Phenomena on the Basis of Analysis of Mechanisms of a Failure of Natural and Artificial Slopes in High- Mountain Conditions of Kyrgyz Republic
Burial Ground in Tajikistan
Inspection of Republican Point of Burial Radioactive Wastage with the Purpose of Development a Technical Decision for its Rehabilitation
Murine Rodents in Central Tajikistan
Ecology-Episotologic Monitoring of Murine Rodents as Basis Carriers Parasitic and Infection Diseases in Central Tajikistan
Aerosol Pollution and Climate Change
Research of Influence of Aerosol Pollution of an Atmosphere in Result of Dust-Storm on Change of a Climate