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The Deployment of the ITS is Steadily Progressing in Southern African Countries


 Sofia, 26 March 2021. Following the on-line  preliminary   training on 8 and 9 March for experts in   Mozambique, the   Software Company Ltd. conducted two more on-line sessions  for IT personnel from DR  Congo on 11 and 12   March with simultaneous  interpretation in French, and from   Zimbabwe on 17 and 18 March. 

 Recounts Gabriela Miteva, an expert with the Software  Company Ltd.: All these events had two participants each,   with the following agenda: theoretical part, where we  explained the different components and their corresponding functionalities; practical work, where the participants set up and operated the equipment themselves with our guidance; online exam, in the form of a multiple-choice test taken on our training platform. All participants have shown excellent results in the tests and were awarded Certificates of completion.

The equipment has been tested and set up and the agencies are in every respect ready for the regular trainings, Miteva continues. The trackers are all located and registered in the Information Tracking System (ITS); the mobile phones have the ITS Track application installed; as a result, all the components of the ITS are connected and ready to work.

During the trainings, Miteva explains, we use our training servers, which are identical to the server in TAEC - Arusha. The participants will first master their skills in the training platform and after the trainings are completed, they will receive credentials for the real-time functional ITS system. We have added a section “Knowledge Base” in our training site, where all the registered users have access to the training materials, software drivers and user guides.

During our work, we have received great feedback and identified ways to make the ITS system even more user-friendly and easy to use, says the Software Company’s Gabriela Miteva.

The next regular trainings will be conducted as follows: April 5th to April 9th with DRC, April 12th to April 16th with Zimbabwe, May 10th to May 14th with Mozambique.


The Information Tracking System (ITS) – a key component of Project MC 5.01 15B – is conceived as a common web-based platform for data exchange and monitoring the transportation of Uranium Ore Concentrate and other radioactive materials within and across the borders of several southern African states. Since 2020, the ITS has already been use by relevant national entities in South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia. In 2021, Mozambique, DR Congo, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar will join the network.