“Strengthening Biorisk Management in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan” workshop was organized in Almaty, Kazakhstan

“Strengthening Biorisk Management in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan” workshop was organized on August 12-14 in Kazakhstan by the Health Security Partners (HSP) in collaboration and support of the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC).
The workshop was led by subject matter expert, Dr. Maria Espona. Presentations on supplemental topics were provided by experts Firuza Nasyrova, Tatyana Volkova, Farida Tishkova, Elmira Akmatova, Daniil Shauer, Gulmira Kalmambetova, Tamara Tazhibayeva, Svetlana Firsova, and Anna Vilkova. The event was attended by thirty-three academic, laboratory, medical, research, and IT experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. They took part in breakout group discussions, scenario-based activities, and lectures. Participants identified gaps and challenges in biorisk management in their institutions. Based on these gaps, they recognized possible solutions.
In the aftermath of the session, attendees will have the chance to submit challenge grant applications. The recipients of these scholarships will receive assistance in putting biorisk management concepts into practice and refining them at their individual institutions. The goal of this workshop is to close gaps in biorisk management through encouraging regional learning and experience exchange.