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South African Delegation at ISTC's offices


On Monday 11th September, 2017 ISTC's Executive Director met with a South African Delegation at ISTC's offices led by South African Ambassador Ms. Keitumetsi Mathews along with Mr. Francois Davel, Director of International Cooperation and Resources and Mr. Tebogo Makoma of the Department of Science and Technology for South Africa and Desk Officer for Kazakhstan.

The Secretariat gave a presentation and informed the South African Delegation on ISTC's capabilities and activities with special reference to the EU CoE CBRN activities in Central Asia and more relevantly the CBRN CoE ISTC implemented projects promoting inter-regional connectivity  that are currently underway in Africa as part of two major activities namely Project P60 in support of the EU Center of Excellence (CoE) for Eastern and Central Africa involving and collaborating with 12 African Countries in a range of activities from training's and field exercises to recovery of orphan sources, to recommendations on legal and regulatory frameworks for the management of nuclear materials.

Additionally presented was the second project MC.5.01/15B in support to South African States in Nuclear Safeguards and Security a project in support to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to improve nuclear safety in four countries - Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Namibia - involved in the mining, processing and transport of Uranium ore and products. ISTC outlined the cooperation envisaged with SADC including through a provision of a web-based electronic system to trace trans-border transportation of uranium Ore.

Discussions also explored further cooperation possibilities and potential partnerships with ISTC, in areas such as nuclear medicine, capacity building and education amongst others.