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South Africa 25th Anniversary Freedom Day


In celebration of South Africa Freedom Day 2019 and 25 years since the Inauguration of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela the First President of the Democratic South Africa, the Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Ms. Keitumetse Matthews invited the Diplomatic Community to attend a keynote address entwined in the South African Liberation Struggle for freedom Mr, Sathyandranath Ragunanan "Mac" Maharaj, a freedom fighter, political prisoner, Cabinet Minister and Stalwart.
Mr. Mac Maharaj is one of the most well-known heroes of the South African struggle for freedom. A veteran agitator and formidable organizer, he formed part of the "Collective" which had to build the structure and institutions of a Democratic Government following the first free, non-racial elections in 1994. It was an extraordinary story of a long journey that is well worth celebrating and with Mac Maharaj invited to give his personal life experiences during this period and his connections with Nelson Mandela not only in prison but later as a member of Cabinet under President Nelson Mandela.
The event was held at the KAZGUU University and was attended by ISTC's Executive Director David Cleave, Deputy Executive Director, Aidyn Turebayev, and Japan Senior Project Manager Masami Torikoshi.