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Senile dementia can be predicted


Physiologists from the Institute of the Human Brain in St. Petersburg have made an important discovery. They have learnt how to predict, at least 10 years in advance, the probability of senile dementia in human in their senior years, including Alzheimer’s disease.

This can be judged to a reasonable degree of reliability by the nature of the electrical activity of various parts of the brain. The scientists have already brought their discovery to a level of practical application: now anyone who is concerned about possible weakening of the memory or a reduction in the quickness of the mind can be examined in the laboratory of the Institute of the Human Brain, to learn what lies in wait for them in the future. In this case, it would not be too late to correct one’s way of life, intellectual and physical workloads, with the help of doctors, to retain clarity of mind into old age. And one could also use the methodology for activating the brain, as developed by the specialists.

Yuri Kropotov, head of the laboratory of the Institute of the Human Brain RAS relates that this discovery was made on the basis of results of 30 years of research with a group of elderly people. The physiologists compared the parameters of the electrical activity of the brain of the participants in the group with a standardized database. As a result the scientists found differences in the encephalograms that clearly point to whether a person will encounter problems of a mental nature in old age. As we all have a distinctly individual nature of encephalogram, these critical signs can be found in different parts of the brain for different people.

The discovery of the Russian physiologists will enable a significant improvement in the quality of life of elderly people. It is especially topical for developed countries, where life expectancy is rising and where its quality, which to a great extent depends on psychological well-being, does not always rise with it.