Open innovation in Russia provides new opportunities for EU companies
ISTC has decided on a new package of measures for companies with headquarters in the EU to facilitate open innovation in Russia and in other countries in which ISTC operates.
First time new official private sector Partners of ISTC are now eligible to receive co-funding from the ISTC in order to support a first time open innovation project.
Co-funding can be obtained for:
preparation of activities up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the total individual project preparation budget (ISTC contribution will not exceed a maximum of €30,000). Preparation activities may include the following (but not limited to): technical feasibility study, IPR assessment, preliminary project or project preparation, additional partner search
any new private sector ISTC EU Partner concluding a first –time partner project agreement with ISTC before 31 December 2010, may be granted a waiver of the 5% contract service fee upon request (the waiver will not exceed €30,000).
The ISTC funds will immediately be released at the moment of Project Agreement signature.
ISTC contact point:
Albert Gozal
EU Promotion Manager
+ 7 495 982 3281