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Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan 25th Anniversary Roundtable


As part of the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan,  the NSK organized a Roundtable Conference and events on 31st May - 2nd June entitled "Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy and Enhancement of Non-Proliferation Regime"
David Cleave Executive Director of ISTC took part in the Roundtable which included many delegations from relevant authorities such as the National Nuclear Center (NNC), The Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan (INP), MAEK, Kazatamprom, Veterans of the Atomic Energy & Industry, The Union of Youth (UMP) and other representatives and speakers from the Nuclear Society of Russia, WANO, MEPHI, and the Commission of Atom-CIS amongst others.

The Roundtable was Chaired by the NSK President, Mr. Vladimir Shkolnik who gave a presentation on the 25 Years of successful activity of the NSK and moderated discussions and speeches on  various topics including the strategy of the Uranium Industry development in Kazakhstan, the activity of the NNC of Kazakhstan on strengthening the non=proliferation regimes and many other related topics on atomic energy and the nuclear sector.

The Roundtable culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan and the ISTC signed by President of NSK Vladimir Shkolnik and ISTC ED David Cleave, for promoting scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation aimed at developing friendly exchanges and promoting the development of nuclear science and technology for peaceful and safety enhancement purposes. The NSK and ISTC will meet at least once a year to assess the effectiveness of this cooperation and to provide direction for the future on issues in the Nuclear sector.