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Memorandum of Understanding between ECOSF and ISTC


ISTC Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Economic Cooperation Organization Science Foundation (ECOSF) based in the capital of Pakistan.


On September 9, 2017 the ISTC Executive Director, David Cleave signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Economic Cooperation Organization Foundation (ECOSF), based in Islamabad, Pakistan and signed by the President of ECOSF Professor Manzoor Hussain Soomro that will facilitate cooperation in the field of science-technology research and capacity building between ISTC and Pakistan.  Pakistani scientists have already been involved in several ISTC workshops over the last 2 years and are also actively involved in the ISTC P53 Project in Central Asia  focused on Bio-safety and Bio-security.

The MoU is seen as a further strengthening of ties and cooperation between ISTC and Pakistan in order to establish a framework for cooperation in areas of common interest especially in scientific, technological and innovation based researches and capacity building programs, which may extend and strengthen the conduct of cooperative activities, and encourage the application of the results of such cooperation to the economic and social benefits for the people of common member states.

The ECOSF is a specialized agency of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and an Intergovernmental organization of 10 countries.  The main objective of ECOSF includes building up a database of highly-skilled scientific and technical manpower, coordination of joint research projects of economic/commercial value, scientific collaboration through institutional linkages, holding collaborative seminars and conferences on major S&T issues and STI Capacity Building in all of its 10 member states.