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KEBS and European Union (EU) Talks aim at Bolstering Cooperation


KEBS and EU hold the first strategic cooperation dialogue on strengthening mutual ties. The discussion  aim at bolstering existing modest relation between the KEBS and International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC)  through institutional framework.

The EU through ISTC has a long history of standards development, metrology, testing, Research and Development (R & D) working with technical organizations  and connecting scientists in the European Union (EU), Japan, Republic of Korea, Africa, Norway and the United States.

The discussion involve thematic areas common to both ISTC and KEBS, in order to address pressing global issues of common concern.  The identified foe cooperation include KEBS staff capacity building, infrastructural development ,  research and promotion of Radiation Protection by Dosimetry.

The meeting was chaired Ag. Managing Director KEBS Mr. Bernard N. Njiraini .  The EU was represented Amb. Ron Lehman who is the Chairman of the ISTC Governing Board,  accompanied by  Mr. David Cleave  Chief  Executive Director of ISTC along with other senior officials.