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Japan-Russia International Workshop 2013 (JRIW2013) on Infectious Diseases - New Aspects of Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention - was held inTokyo on 26 October, 2013


The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) organized the Japan-Russia International Workshop 2013 (JRIW2013) on Infectious Diseases - New Aspects of Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention - as the 4th ISTC Workshop on Targeted Initiative(TI)“Probiotics and Health”, in cooperation with the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Juntendo University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Kyoto University and International Medical Education and Research Center (IMERC). The event took place in Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, on 26-31 October 2013.

JRIW2013 provided an international platform for presentations and discussions by Japanese and Russian experts. The current situation and preventive/cure methods of emergent/re-emergent infectious diseases such as AIDS/HIV, Hepatitis, Influenza, Drug resistance and Tuberculosis were discussed in depth as well as an applicability of probiotics as useful prevention and treatment method. JRIW2013 played a significant role in the history of Japan-Russia medical cooperation as a scientific/academic landmark.

JRIW2013 started on 26 October at NCGM in Tokyo. On the first day the presentations and discussions were focused mainly on the current situation of infectious diseases such as Influenza, Hepatitis, Drug resistance/ Tuberculosis, AIDS/HIV and the advanced preventive/cure methods including Endoscopy. On 28 October, at Juntendo University, the second venue of JRIW2013, in addition to these topics, the applicability of probiotics as preventive/cure method to infectious diseases was discussed with the participation of academic and commercial probiotics experts.

On 29 October, at the Russia-Japan Medical Forum which took place at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) in Tokyo, the participants from 6 Russian medical universities and 7 Japanese medical universities presented their medical activities, exchanged various opinions on how to promote future medical cooperation both in education and research,and had a clear understanding of future cooperation. Communiqué for the purpose of the promotion of future exchange of information, staff and students between Russian and Japanese universities and the promotion of research collaboration was signed among 13universities which participated in the Forum. The Communiqué will be supposed to become the basis for mutual cooperation in the medical field between Russia and Japan.

On 30-31 October, the final sessions of JRIW2013 were held in Kyoto University. Especially in the session of probiotics, the importance of probiotic food and product was pointed out for maintaining a healthy balance in life by the both sides - Russia and Japan. 

In 4 venues, more than 150 experts from about 20 research institutes and universities participated in JRIW2013.

More information on JRIW2013 can be obtained from Ms. Yuko Tsuda, ISTC Moscow, e-mail: tsuda@istc.ru, or +7 (495) 982 31 67