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ISTC Supports NSCEDD Conference and 70th Anniversary in Almaty


On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the KSCQZD now renamed KSCEDD (National Scientific Center of Especially Dangerous Diseases) ISTC supported an International Scientific Conference in Almaty on 02-03rd October 2019 (named: Dangerous Infections: New Solutions - A look into the Future) whereby ISTC Executive Director David Cleave supported by Deputy Executive Director Aidyn Turebayev, gave an opening speech to the Conference. The Conference was attended by over 250 participants from many Central Asian Countries, GUAM and Caucasus Countries as well as from the UK, USA, Austria, Germany, Russia, Sudan and many US Government Agencies such as DTRA, CDC, NIH.
The ISTC has been a Partner of KSCQZD/NSCEDD since 1997 and in that time has implemented 22 funded projects from ISTC's Country Funding Parties, (EU, Canada, the USA & US Government Partners such as DTRA), to a total of US$11.2 mio dollars in different types of areas such as disease surveillance, diagnostics and devices, ceramics, plant protection, remediation and contamination, drug discovery, a Vivarium project and more recently in Bio-safety and Bio-Security to enhance security aspects in Kazakhstan.

The Conference focused in the various fileds of microbiology, epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis and especially dangerous and infectious diseases.